Mr. Alpha

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My wolf was already fully submitting herself to him. It didn't take much for her to do what he asked, but I couldn't!

This is not how I was meant to submit to my mate. We were supposed to be in love first, or at least in a comfortable situation.

Looking around, did I really have a choice? Could I avoid submitting to him right now?

God why couldn't he ask this of me when we were in the tub?!

Swallowing, I slowly turned to face him. He was visibly taller by at least half a foot. He was alarmingly bigger than before. His face is full of anger and dominance. His eyes were completely yellow, it wasn't a small glimpse of Malakai in his eyes. His wolf was in complete control probably for the first time in his whole life. He looked good.

He slowly started to walk toward me, which I self-consciously began to take steps away from him till I hit the wall. He placed both of his strong arms on each side of my face and looked down at me.

"I could fuck you right here and no one would be able to tell me I can't. I could fuck your tight pussy as much as I wanted right now. I could fuck you to submission" he said, not breaking eye contact with me.

The thought both excited and scared me. Would he really do that knowing how scared I was right now?

"Kai please" I begged. I don't want to be forced, I want to want this. I shouldn't need to be forced to submit to my mate.

"That's it, beg me" he said, licking his lips. "You'll look so good with my mark right here" he said pointing to the softest part of my neck. I shivered at the contact which excited him.

I always dreamed about being marked by my mate. The connection that would come from it. Our souls would be one and the thought always made me want it, but not like this!

I looked in his eyes once more to find even the smallest evidence of Kai, just to find nothing..

Soon his phone started to ring. I could see that it was Abigail. I never thought I would be happy to see her name.

He looked over at the phone then back to me. That's when I could see some brown coming through the yellow. She really has the power to get him to try to take  control without saying one word?

" You stay right here," he said, walking over to his phone. At that point my mind was made. She has to be his soul mate. She had a hold on him that I could possibly never have.

"What!" He yelled while answering the phone. He tossed it on the bed and walked back over to me.

"Watch who you're talking to, I'm just calling back because your father wanted to have a talk with you tomorrow" she spat.

"You don't get to talk to your Alpha like that girl. It would be wise of you to keep that in mind"

"It would be wise of you to shut the fuck up talking to me like that dick head. I'm making that meeting with your father for 1pm" she said, boldly hanging up after.

This is my first time really hearing them interact with each other. It shocked me how comfortable  she is talking to him like that.

I caught him rolling his eyes, now more brown, before shaking his head.

I talk to him calmly and he's wolf loses control, she disrespects him and he's about to gain control?

He closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them. They were now back to normal. His weight and size went down as well.

"I'm sorry little one. I'm so sorry! He's never got out like that, I didn't mean anything that came out of my mouth. You have every right to be pissed at me, hell I'm pissed at myself! We own each other, I don't just own you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If me talking to her while we are in bed together makes you upset I will try my best to make sure it doesn't happen. She could never be my soulmate, that role is all yours. I'm sorry"  he said, placing his head in his hands.

My wolf was still in her corner afraid to come out so I couldn't say everything I was thinking. Instead I just said okay.

"Come here beautiful," he said, reaching out for me.

I slowly walked over to him as he placed me in his lap. He rubbed my back, quickly soothing me. I couldn't deny how good his touch felt, even when I was pissed beyond reason.

Soon I found my eyes getting heavy as he rubbed on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head down on his shoulders. Hopefully this was all just a stressful dream. I just wanted this night to be over.

He must have felt how tired I was because he stood up, making sure to hold me tight and laid me on the bed. He placed the cover up to my shoulders and kissed my head.

"I'm so sorry" he said, laying next to me. He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my lower side. I could feel his dick hard on my ass. This was the only thing that my wolf wanted to act on. I ignored her like she ignored me and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up in the best way possible! Kai's wonderful head was in the middle of my legs, lapping up my vagina.

My eyes widened in realization and my body quickly reacted. I grabbed a fist full of his hair and moaned his name in pleasure.

I could get used to waking up like this!

"Ohhhh Kai" I yelled, arching my back. If this was his way of making up for last night, he's on the right track.

"I'm sorry, my beautiful mate! I don't ever want you to feel like that again" he said, looking up at me. My juices dripped from his face.

"It's okay Kai. It's okay" I moaned, pulling his head back down to my vagina.

"Are you sure?" He asked, inserting a finger.

"Yes!" I yelled, clenching around his finger. I felt myself getting close to my release, making my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, Kai"

"Do you wanna come"

"Yes, Kai"

He retracted his finger and replaced it with his mouth. His mouth is so warm and soft, I couldn't wait to come all over his face.

He started to lick faster and faster till I could no longer hold it, coming all around his tongue.

"Mmm you taste so good in my tongue" he growled. "Taste it mate" he said, making his way up to my face. He crashed his lips onto mine letting my taste come on his lips.

I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him as close to me as possible. We made out for at least 5 minutes before his phone rang.

We pulled away, both out of breath as he watched for his phone.

"Yes, Abigail?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in an hour or two. I'm busy with my mate"

"Yep, see you soon"

He hung up the phone and looked over to me.

"Did you wanna come to my pack?" He asked, licking his lips.

I should go. Not going would just be slowing down what was meant to happen. It won't hurt going for at least a weekend.

"Yes, I'll go for a weekend to see how it goes" I answered.

"Okay, get dressed mate" he said, getting out of the bed.

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