3 Weeks Later

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Kai 3 1/2 weeks later

I couldn't keep the smile off my face looking at the adorable image in front of me. Zara stood in the kitchen with a bowl of chicken nuggets placed on her baby bump. She had her phone in one hand and some honey mustard in the other as she used her belly to hold her food.

Her long black hair was pulled up in a half bun, half ponytail, half bang, super messy look that appeared strangely cute on her head.

Her body filled out a lot in this short time. Her hips are wider, her ass is fuller, and her breasts are a little bigger. Her face is also a tad bit rounder. This pregnancy has been nice to her..., well her appearance anyway.

A week after we found out she was pregnant her morning sickness was horrible. She couldn't keep any food down and her hair started to fall out. She looked miserable and it broke my heart to know it's my fault she's going through this. She's been gassy and really self-conscious about it.

I tried to remind her that she's creating a whole baby and has every right to be gassy, moody, hungry, pretty much any emotion she is feeling.

Judging by the baby bump I don't think it's just one child. At least I hope not or that's one big baby. I wouldn't be surprised if it was 7 babies in there because of how big her bump is. A normal pregnancy for wolves is about 2 months. Witch is really short to grow a whole living person, yet another reason to respect she wolves for all they go through. 

She finally noticed me watching her. She locked eyes with me and held out a chicken nugget.

"Are you planning on taking my chicken nuggets? I'll just give you one weirdo, I'm sick of them anyway" she said, offering me some of her food.

I laughed and walked over to her.

"I can't look at you without plotting?" I asked, taking a bite of the chicken nugget while it was still in her hand.

"Nope, last time you looked at me you took my chips" she said, placing her hands on her hips.

"They were my chips and I told you I would go out into human territory and get you a bag" I corrected, kissing her head.

"Well you didn't make that clear. What I heard was that you were leaving my chips" she said, taking the bowl off her stomach and handing it to me.

I'm not sure what she expects me to do with an empty bowl. We were standing right by the sink, she couldn't throw it in there?

She started to walk away from me and I couldn't help but slap her ass. It jiggled as she tried to cover it.

"Damn it Kai!" She yelled, running to the living room. Her little waddle was so cute. Her yelling got the attention of Zoey and Charles who were on the couch.

They have been spending more time together since they found out they are mates. It's been everyday since he found out she's going back home with Zara for a little while. They're going to see Zara's family for a few days or so. I told her she couldn't stay too long because she looks like she can give birth at any moment. I still want her family to see her after not seeing her for a while.

Back to Zoey and Charles, to my knowledge they haven't done anything inappropriate, just innocently kissing. It's still strange to see Charles with another person.

Speaking of, Zara's punishment for Abigail is not as bad as I thought it would be. At first Zara wanted her to spend life in jail. After talking it out she finally started to look at the situation like the Luna of this pack and not just my mate. She then decided that she is to serve 5 years in jail with a chance of getting an early release after the 2nd year. Although I don't like it, she did commit several crimes and need to go to jail for a while. It's not like she's in a rusty jail cell so I know she is okay, just not free.

Zoey jumped up and ran over to Zara.

"Are you okay? What did he do?!" She asked.

"He slapped my butt! It's already swelling up!" Zara said, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Bitch, I thought you were in danger or something" Zoey said, rolling her eyes at her cousin.

"I really was," Zara mumbled.

I wrapped my arms around her and trapped her against my body. I started to aggressively nibble on her neck, causing her to laugh and try to push me away.

"Stop it you psycho!" She laughed. I spun her around and picked her up bridal style.

"Never" I said, kissing her head.

"Just to be clear I let you pick me up because your child is making me tired" she said, laying her head on my chest.

"Don't get too tired, our plane is at 3" Zoey said.

"3?! That's in 2 hours come here" Charles said.

Zoey smiled and quickly ran to him. Jumping into his lap and kissing him deeply. I have to admit Charles do look happier than I've ever seen him. He looks at her with so much joy and I'm happy for him...it's just strange to see him with her. At first I couldn't watch it at all because it seemed so wrong.

I walked us to our room and dropped her gently on our bed.

"Did you pack all you need?" I asked, placing a kiss on her stomach. Whenever I kiss her stomach, or even just touch it,  I could feel the baby kick. It's such a small thing to some, but feeling the little kicks makes my whole day! It's amazing to know my pup is in there.

"Yeah, I packed about 5 days worth of clothing. Not that I'll need all of them. My stomach feels soooo tight and it has already dropped. I'm ready for this baby to get out of me!" She said, rubbing my head.

We decided to keep everything a surprise. We don't know the gender or amount of babies, if there is more than one. Zara and I made a bet about the baby. I think it's 2 boys. She thinks it's 1 huge girl. Either way I'm happy.

She could've stayed with her parents as long as she wanted..., but a reasonable amount of time so I don't get worried. Now that her stomach has dropped this baby could be here in a few days. She wanted to go visit them earlier in her pregnancy but her brother said it wasn't safe for her at the time. They were having a border problem that has been fixed. I spoke to him and even had Jeremiah visit to make sure it's safe.

Of course she's not going alone. She will be taking Jeremiah for her safety and my sanity.

"Good, the second you feel anything please mind link me and tell Jeremiah. I'll have your hospital room ready and he'll get you here as quick as possible. Please don't ignore anything, I can't miss my pup being born. If you can't make it on the plane I'll fly to you in a heartbeat" I said, rubbing her stomach.

"And I don't want you to. I'm only staying 2 days to be safe" she said.

"Okay, now get you some rest, I know you're tired. I'll wake you at 2:20" I said, putting the covers on her.

She didn't respond with words. She just nodded her head and snuggled on the pillow. I'm going to miss her for these two days.

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