My Mate

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My breath was caught in my throat realizing it was really him.

Me and Zoey made eye contact as my heart pounded.

He was here, at my house.

"What are you going to tell your parents?" she whispered, holding onto my onesie.

"Umm tell them the truth. He just showed up." I said, not taking my eyes off the door. It's no point of lying, I'm sure they knew he was going to stop by soon. Especially after the smell I was giving off.

"Okay, I can leave if you what? Cause no offense but if my mate showed up at my door, I would not want you there" she said, finally letting me go.

"You can if you want, or you can just wait in my room." I said, walking to the door.

She nodded her head and basically sprinted up the steps leaving me alone.

Maybe my brother scared him and he's here to take me away now? God what if they did fight and he's all hurt? Wait,  what's going to happen when I open this door? Will he take me right here on the wall? Is he going to make me submit to him right here?

"I can smell your desire for me, little one"he growled.

I sucked in a breath as my heart raced.

His voice, and the way he talked!

Just do it! I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and just pulled open the door.

The diner went a lot better than I expected. I knew we all just needed a break from all the commotion that went on.

Neither one of us apologized for what happened though. I honestly feel like I have no reason to. With him being her brother he didn't smell what I smelt. The smell of heat makes you go crazy, but the smell of your mates' heat makes you addicted.

I needed to get to her before any other man tried! I wouldn't control my wolf at that moment, I just needed her in my arms.

Abigail didn't come to the dinner, she stayed in the hotel with our other pack members. I think it was for the best anyways.

After the dinner he gave me her address and I ran here as soon as I could. I needed her in my arms now.

Standing at the door I could feel my wolf fighting to come out. No doubt that he wanted to pin her down and make her submit, hell if she was up for it then I'll let him.

"Who is it?" She called out. I could tell it was her voice, sweaty and high.

"Open the door mate" I said , smiling. I can't wait to see her.

I could hear her and another female. I tried not to listen to their conversation to give her her privacy, even though if I wanted to I could hear them clearly.

Whoever the other she-wolf is, I need her to give us some space. I hope she's telling her to go home.

Moments later her arousal hit me like a brick!

Fuck she smelt so good, I wonder what she's thinking about?

"I can smell your desire for me little one"I growled possessively.

Soon the door flew open and she came into view. She had on a onesie and she couldn't look more adorable. I see she likes to sleep comfortably and warm.

I scanned as much as I could considering the thick yellow fabric. Looking in her deep blue eyes my body filled with need.

I pulled her in for another hug and she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her as close as I could, rubbing up and down her back.

She let out a soft moan and I felt my penis jerk. I could take her right here! I could throw her on this couch and fuck her till she screams my name.

"Responsive little thing" I said, rubbing my mouth on her neck. She let out another soft moan and grabbed onto my shoulders.

"Kai '' she all but moaned. Sending my wolf on overdrive.

I decided to drag my hands a little lower, rubbing over her ass to see how she would respond. Oh did she respond!

"Oh god Kai!" She growled, reaching up the play in my hair.

I could feel her wetness through the onesie and it had me feeling beside myself.

"You're driving me mad girl"

"Sorry" she said, looking up at me.

I could feel my wolf clawing to be free. Clawing to fuck her till she submits, but judging by her quick responses I don't think that would take long. Her blue eyes are like magnets drawing me in.

"So damn submissive " I said, licking my lips. I wanted her, craved her, needed her.

I moved my hands to the back of her thighs, lifting her in the arm. She let out a small squeak and wrapped her legs around my waist for support.

I cupped her ass and latched on to her neck making her moan in pleasure. I sucked and licked her skin, loving the taste of it.Her little sounds were almost enough to have me coming right there!

She's so soft and oh so needy.

I felt her hands on my face, sending shivers down my spine as she pulled my head up to meet hers. She kissed me, hard. She didn't ask for permission to attack my mouth with her tongue, she just did it. Her hands found their way to my hair. She tugged on it, firm enough to pull my head back so she could have access to my neck.

"Fuck" I whispered as she bit on my neck. Her heat was still present in the air as well as her desire.

My wolf was nearly losing himself in her.

I pinned her on the nearest wall for support and explored as much as I could on her perfect body. I unzipped her onesie and filled my hands with her full breast.

"Oh my god" I moaned as he claimed my chest. I could feel myself getting close to my release, my body was begging for him and I know he knows it.

He grabbed my left breast and hungrily forced it in his mouth, making me lose my mind.

This must be why my heat is horrible this time around. My wolf felt that he was close and she craved him, and I can see why!

"I want you to fucking come on my dick"he whispered in my ear. My eyes shot open at his words, my need for him growing.

"I'm so close"I said, pressing hard against him. I needed some type of friction. I could feel his dick pressing on my stomach, thick and obviously long.

I hate that I was wearing this thick onesie! I wanted to feel him more.
"You wanna come, mate?" He asked, grabbing my butt.

"Yes, yes please Malakai" I groaned. My breathing was heavy, my heart pounding, my body screaming for release.

He unzipped my onesie farther down exposing my damp panties. I saw him lick his lips, which excited me! Oh god I could only imagine how his mouth would feel on my vagina.

He reached into my panties, finding his way to my clit. This is the first time anyone other than me has touched me like this. I was beyond lost!

He rubbed my clit as he kissed my neck. Our bodies moved so perfectly together.

"You're a good girl, you know that? You got me so hard, mate" he said, and that was the final straw.

My orgasm hit me like a train, sending my body into shock as my legs shook. Thankfully He held on to me so I didn't fall. I've never felt pleasure like this, this was amazing.

The way he talked to me!

The way he touched me!

After I came down from my high he pulled his hand out of my panties, looked me in my eyes and sucked on his fingers.

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