Meet And Greet

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I wanted to kill my driver, Jeremiah, right now. Zara was in a fully submitted position, her neck was aching for my bite. Her arousal was thick in the air and I'm honestly glad that Jeremiah is holding his composer.

Then I realized that we probably got here so fast because he needed her out of the car so he wouldn't get in trouble. He didn't roll the window down far, just enough to speak to us so he didn't see us or smell her more than he already did. I'm sure he knew what was going on though.

I looked down at my mate, her face red and full of need/ embarrassment. She looked up at me, her big blue eyes making me smile. She was going to let me mark her at this very moment and I would've without a second thought.

I slowly got off of her, helping her up in the process. She quickly pulled down her dress and looked at herself on her phone. She fixed her hair and wiped the corner of her lips.

"I'm sorry" I said, savoring the taste of her lips. Her lips tasted just like she smelt sweet vanilla. It was addicting. If this meeting wasn't as important as it is I would tell him to drive us home.

"You're okay," she said, biting her swollen lips.

After we made ourselves look decent we got out of the car. I held her making sure she didn't fall. I noticed in the house that she can't walk that well in heels and I would hate for her to fall.

Looking out I could see Abigail getting everyone seated. She decided to have her purple hair down this morning, which she normally doesn't do. Abigail mostly keeps her hair up just in case of a fight/ war. Not that it would matter, Abigail can put her hair up in 2 seconds. She keeps a hair tie in her right hand everyday for that purpose.

She made eye contact with me and smiled, giving me the thumbs up to walk to the stage.

I could feel Zara tense up as we started walking. Everyone in our pack is now looking at us. I have to say their reactions to her is not as bad as I thought it would be. All of the children were smiling from ear to ear at their Luna. Most of the women smiled showing their approval, others made judgmental faces. The man for the most part looked pleased with her.

"You got this" I whispered, giving her a kiss on the head. I'm still not 100% comfortable with this whole ' in charge of all of these people' thing, so I know how she feels. Once we got to the stage, I grabbed both of the mics and cleared my throat.

"Good morning everyone. I do hope this time in the morning was early enough that it doesn't affect your whole day, and also late enough so you were able to get a good night's sleep. I'm sure you all are dying to know about the woman standing next to me" I said, gesturing to Zara who instantly put on the biggest smile she could produce. I love that she's smiling through this tough time.

"This is my mate, and your Luna Zara. This is her first official day at our pack and I hope that you all welcome her with open arms. I don't expect this to be the easiest adjustment, but I do expect everyone to try. " I said, looking over to her.

She looked down at the mic then back at me, like asking if I was sure about this.

I nodded at her and rubbed her shoulders, hoping to give her some confidence.

"H- Hi everyone" she said, her voice obviously shaky. "As you can tell I'm nervous. I um never talked to this many people before" She said, giving a nervous chuckle.

I moved from beside her and switched to behind her body. I placed my head on her shoulders and started to whisper encouraging words in her ear. I wanted her to be strong and get through this. You only get one chance to make a first impression.

"You're such a good girl"

"You got this, baby"

"That's my girl"

"As my mate said, my name is Zara. You can feel free to call me Luna Z if you want. I don't suppose anyone is truly prepared for this moment, but I pray that you guys be patient with me as I learn with you. I want to be the perfect Luna for you guys, But perfecting anything takes time. If you guys are willing to accept me, I would love to get to know each of you personally. I look forward to this Journey and taking it with you all....thank you" she said, releasing the breath she's been holding. I could feel how tensed up her body was. She's really scared right now and that killed me.

The crowd instantly filled with applause as soon as she finished speaking. I could feel her perk up a little as their sign of approval. It didn't mean that they fully approved of her being their Luna, but it was an amazing sign.

After they settled down I gently moved her to the side and brought the mic to my lips.

"Thank you all for your time this morning, I hope you all have a good day. For those of you who have questions feel free to stay and ask away. Other than that you are free to go" I said, making sure to smile at them as they started to leave. I'm working hard to make sure they know I'm not nothing like most Alphas. Meaning just because I can be super strict, unnecessarily cocky, I didn't want to be none of those things.

Pretty much all of them left, leaving Zara, Abigail, my parents, Kate and her parents, and I.

Zara seems to automatically recognize the small child, instantly smiling at her. I grabbed her hand to help her down to the child.

"Hey, Kate! How are you?" She asked, kneeling down to hug the child.

"Im okay, this is my mom and dad" she said pointing to her parents.

"Nice to meet you Luna. We just needed to personally thank you for taking care of our baby girl"

"Of course, I just wanted to make sure she got home"

I let them finish their conversation and made my way to Abigail and my parents.

"That's some mate you got there son, she's cute" my mother said, hitting my shoulder playfully.

"She's okay," I heard Abigail mumble. I looked over in her direction, confused as to why that was a necessary comment.

"Your mom's right, she seems nice" my dad agreed.

"Yeah she's great. I was thinking about going to you guys house for lunch so you can get to know her" I offered.

My mom's face lit up like a Christmas tree at the idea.

"Does she like CBR(chicken bacon ranch) wraps?" She asked, she had her thinking face on.

"I love your CBR wraps! I'm invited, right?" Abigail asked.

"If that's okay with you two" my dad said, looking at me.

"Of course it's okay with Kai. I'm going to get ready now. Kai text me with the time" she said, giving us all a hug then leaving right down the street.

"We should get going too. I gotta get this big lunch started! Do tell her that we said hi and we'll see her soon. I'm thinking 3pm?"

"Yes, that sounds good, mom. I'll let her know" I said.

They both gave me huge as they left to get the food started. I looked over to Zara who was still talking to Kate's parents.

I wonder what they could be talking about?

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