Uncomfertable Dessert

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I stared at him as he spoke, so this has been going on for that long? His green eyes pierced into mine. He seemed to have the same look in his eyes that I've had hearing about her.

"What do you mean?"I asked, folding my arms.

"Since I've known them they have been all over each other. When they are together, no one else matters. See how we are both out here and they haven't even thought about checking on us?" He said, leaning on the wall.

Charles has such calming appearance, he makes you feel like you can trust him. He seemed to laid back, so carefree, so unbothered. The only way I could tell he was hurt is because of his eyes.

"How do you do it? How could you sit back and watch it everyday?" I asked. "I feel like I could throw the fuck up"

"It did take a while...but soon I just  excepted it. I mean at least I get to sleep next to her at night, ya know?" He said, shrugging.

I nearly cringed at his words. How did this become his normal and will it become mine? My wolf was on her feet with anger, fueling my own. I could hear their conversation in the other room. They're talking about going swimming while their mates are gone. Would they notice if I leave this damn place?

"How long did it take for you to become like this?" I asked.

"About a year honestly." He shrugged.

"And did you ever tell her? Hell did you tell him?" I asked, shaking my head.

This is a mess.

"I did, and I do everyday, but it goes nowhere. Their just inseparable. Sometimes I think they were meant to
be mates and somehow thing just got mixed up" he said, pushing his brown hair out of his face.

Suddenly I hear footsteps heading out way. Soon Abigails way to pretty face peaked from around the corner.

"Hey handsome, what are you guys up to?" She asked, smiling at us.

"Just showing her around, Abi" he said, giving her the weakest smile I've ever seen.

It only took them about 20 minutes to realize we were gone. So basically it takes them about a half an hour to care about us being gone.

"Awe, cool. We were just getting ready to get out the dessert, are you guys coming?" She asked.

"Yep, be there in a second" he said, nodding at her.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek before  walking back around the corner.

"At least she came to get you" I said, looking at the ground. "Kai didn't even get up"

"She only noticed I was gone because she wants physical attention. That's the only time she pays attention to me" he said a little to calm for my liking.

I quickly thought back to Kai and I time together...when we wasn't touching on each other I don't think we had any positive conversations. Granted we've only a little time together, but all of that time was spent being physical, if not arguing.

We made our way back to the kitchen and there sat Kai. He made eyes contact with me and smiled. I could feel my heart skip a beat and I hated it! I hated it because I need to stay mad at him, but I can't help how my body reacts.

I sat back down next to him and folded my arms.

"What ice cream do you guys what?" She asked.

"Cookies and cream" Charles said, giving her another small smile.

She nodded at him and looked over to Kai.

"You know what I want" He said raising his eyebrows at her.

"Of course, our favorite" she smiled at his responds and turned to me.

"I'm fine with whatever" I said dryly. I am not amused with this.

"Got it" she said, making her way to the kitchen.

"How have you been Charles?" He asked, placing a hand on Charles shoulder.

"Fine" Charles said.

"That's good....is there a reason you two went off together?" He asked.

"Is there a reason you and Abigail sat here talking while we were gone and didn't check on us till minutes later?" I stepped in.

Kai looked at me but before he could speak, Ms. Perfect placed some ice cream sundaes on the table.

"Here you go everyone eat up!" She said taking a seat next to me. God she even smelt perfect. I found myself smelling my shirt, trying not to make it obvious. I smelt like a car or something dumb like that.

It was quite for a moment till my phone dinged loudly, drawing attention to me.

I mentally palmed my face and pulled out my phone. I mouthed 'sorry' as I looked down to my messages.

Zoey 8:56pm
What going on? You didn't text me.

Zara 8:57
Sorry, I was too busy getting ignored by my mate! Turns out the girl has a mate that has been going through the same thing as me.

Zoey 9:00
And you're sure they didn't fuck?

Snapping my head from my phone, I throw it in my purse. I didn't need to think about that at this table.

"Is everything okay?" Kai asked, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"Sure" I sighed. I could t stop thinking about the possibility of them having sex.

I mean it's not that farfetched, they've known each other forever. I didn't even notice I was bouncing my leg till I felt Malakai's hand on my leg.

I could feel Abigail stiffen up the second he touched me.

"Are you sure?" He asked, not moving his hand.

"I'm fine Kai"

He kept his hand on my legs, slowly rubbing up and down my thigh.

I can tell I'm pissed because it's ice cream in front of me and I didn't even touch it. I love ice cream!

I could feel his hand vibrating on my leg as he started random conversations. Knots twisted in my stomach thinking about the last time he vibrated. Would his wolf come out tonight? Oh god what did he want now?

"It's getting late" he growled lightly. "Maybe it's time to get our house cleaned up"

"Yeah no problem" Abigail said, looking at the both of us. She looked slightly upset, witch was just adding wood to a fire. Why did she start getting upset when he touched me?

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