Sick To My Stomach

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Her taste was addicting, I wanted more of her juices. I wanted to bend her over and devour her till it was nothing else. I instantly got all of the slick juices off my fingers, making sure to look her in her eyes so she knows how good it is.

"That fun" she said, smiling brightly. She placed her head on my shoulder and held on to me. I wrapped my arm protectively around her waist, loving this feeling.

"It was, little mate, next time I'll take you fully" I said, rubbing her back.

She made a small moan of approval and held me tighter. "When would that be?"

"When I come back for you. I have a few more things to handle. I just wanted to see you before I leave" I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You're leaving?" She asked, not hiding the disappointment in her voice. It made me happy that she doesn't want me to go, but I really had to.

My pack, like most packs, are not too happy with me as an Alpha as far as now. I doubt that they would be too pleased with me if I bought them a Luna right now.

"Not for long, I will come back for you. Just give me some time to get everything together." I said, trying to reassure her.

I haven't even been an Alpha for a week and I've spent most of my new statues meeting other packs. I haven't spent a lot of time with my own pack and they don't take me seriously. It's still a lot I have to wrap my mind around and I won't be able to give her the attention she needs.

"When are you leaving?" She asked, placing her head on my chest.

"How much would you hate me if I said now?" I asked, biting my lip. I felt like such a jerk right now. Would it have been better if I just left instead of coming here just to leave?


"But it won't be long. I'll be back soon. Will you be a good girl while I'm gone?" I asked, trying to make this situation better.

"Yes, Mr. Alpha" she said, oh so sweetly. I felt my dick twitch at her words. The word Alpha sounds so strange when people are referring to me, but out of her mouth it sounds more than right.

"I need you to understand that I don't wanna leave you. I just have things to take care of, okay? And if you wanna be upset save all of the anger for the day I come back for you." I said, gripping her full ass. "Then you can let all of the anger flow out of you and on my dick"

"I need you to leave so you can come back" she giggled.

I smiled, knowing I've safely changed her mood about me leaving.

I finally removed my arms from her body, knowing if I don't do it now I won't ever let go. I instantly felt cold without her skin on mine.

"I'll be back"I whispered, opening the door. She watched me all the way down the street, only going in the house when I was completely off her street.


"How'd it go?" Abigail asked, her purple hair hanging down her back. She sat next to me on the plane ride after getting everyone seated. I left her In charge of getting everyone together on the plane while I saw my mate.

"The dinner or me and Zara?" I asked, leaning back.

"Both" she said, pulling her covers up.

"The dinner was boring without you, they can't cook for nothing! We did leave on a good spot though. I mean they kinda had no choice, his sister is my mate" I shrugged. I can't help but wonder if she can cook? It's not a deal breaker if she can't, but she gotta cook better than Kylie!

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