See You Later

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"Do you have your toothbrush?" Kai asked, as me and Zoey got out of the car. He's been asking me if I have random things since we got in the car. Normally repetition annoys me, but I know he's just worried.

He's expressed many times that he thinks I'll have this baby or babies while I'm gone, in fact everyone does. I for one know I'm not dropping this baby while I'm gone. I feel confident that I can make it 3 days without giving birth.

Which I am not looking forward to. I knew that having an Alpha's pups wouldn't be a walk in the park. The offspring of Alphas are known to be bigger, stronger, and they have a harder  wolf to tame. Meaning that this birth is going to suck and his wolf will challenge us!

Don't get me wrong I'm very happy to be getting ready to meet my baby, just not looking forward to the process. I've asked my doctor multiple times if there was a way I could just go to sleep and wake up with the baby in my arms.

This pregnancy hasn't been a walk in the park either. I've gained so much weight in every place possible. I even went up a shoe size. My hair started coming out in chunks so much that I plan on cutting it soon because of how uneven it is. My stretch marks also make me feel self-conscious. Kai kisses them every night telling me they are beautiful, which helps.

I feel Malakai's and I relationship had gotten a lot better and not just because of putting Abigail in jail, even though that did help. We've just been spending more time together and planning our baby's future. We've been going on dates and I even got him to watch TVD( The Vampire Diaries) with me. We start TO (The Originals) soon! 

"Yes I have everything. Did you put up the bassinet?" I asked, leaning on the car.

"Yes, I put up 3" he said, taking my bags out the car and handing them to Jeremiah.

"Why 3? Do you think I'm that big?" I asked, looking down at my stomach. I haven't seen my feet in 2 weeks.

"I think we don't know how many babies there are or the genders because you want to be surprised so I want to be ready for the possibility. Honestly we got 2 more in the closet." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. He wanted to know everything the second we could. I've always liked the idea of being surprised. If I knew I was pushing out 5 babies I would probably get too stressed out, so  I rather not know.

"Haha, you just make sure the baby room gets finished before I come back" I said, hitting his chest.

"I will'' he said, kissing me gently. "You just have fun with your family. They are welcome to come down to watch our pups be born if they want '' he said, rubbing my stomach which was his new obsession.

"Okay, I love you Kai '' I said, biting my lips. We've said we love each other before but it's still so new to me. He was actually the first to say it. It was at our first doctor appointment when we heard the heartbeat. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that day!

"I love you more, now hurry up and go so you can't come back faster" he said, kissing my head then kissing my stomach. I grunted in pain as the baby started moving.

Kai looked up at me with worry eyes but he knew every time he kissing my stomach the baby starts moving. It feels like the baby is trying to get to him, which is so adorable.

"Sorry" he said.

"Um Alpha, Luna the pilot said he's ready to go" Jeremiah said, approaching us.

I knew he wasn't going to let me go by myself. I just wonder where Jeremiah is going to sleep? Kai said that he's not allowed to leave my side, but we don't have any extra rooms at my Parents house and if he's at a hotel what happens if I need him? I guess we'll just cross that bridge when it comes.

"Okay, she will be on the plane in a second," Kai said, dismissing him. Jeremiah quickly walked back to the plane, taking Zoey with him. Charles growled and snapped at him as he took Zoey from his arms. Jeremiah didn't look affected by this at all and just kept walking.

"I'll see you later" I said, kissing his cheek.

"See you later, Zara" he said, resting his head on mine.

He walked me over to the plane and gave me a final hug before I got on. My wolf was already crying from being separated from him. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she's being, we just left 2 minutes ago!

I took my seat next to Zoey who was looking out the window at Charles. Jeremiah on the other hand had his eyes locked on us. I swallowed and tried to ignore his stares. I just hope he doesn't do this the whole time or this is going to be a long few days.

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