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It all made sense now.

Just moments ago my wolf was going mad in my mind, telling me to go outside. I ignored it, I ignored it because I knew this meeting was important.

I ignored it till I couldn't do it any more! Her smell made my wolf go crazy!! The smell of her heat, or her sexual need! Even the smell of her natural scent, sweet vanilla.

Now holding her in my arms, everything became clear. This blue-eyed beauty is my mate.

God was she perfect!

Soft pale skin, super dark black hair, eyes that just demanded that you look at them, and an amazing body that was easily visible by her choice of clothing.

My wolf cries a little knowing she's not holding us at this moment. All because her brother said to let go. My wolf wanted to claw his face off, and anyone else who came in between them!

Her father has managed to get everyone to see reason, or at least not wanting to kill.

"Zion sit down, and Alpha Malakai please let go of her so everyone can be calm" he said, holding his hand out for her.

Oh, he wants me to allow her to run to his arms? Not happening! She was in heat, beyond aroused, and my mate! I'm not letting go.

I looked him in his eyes letting him know I'm not backing down. She is mine!

"Hey" a small voice called out.

I looked down into her ocean eyes and nearly came in my pants at her beauty.

"This feels really good, but for right now let go" she said, making my body shake. She admits this feels good? Just me holding her?

Her small voice softened my wolf. He backed down allowing me to take back full controls. I slowly dropped my arms, letting her free.

Her father grabbed her hands, and held her to him.

"You think you can just go around touching people's sisters? MY sister? In MY pack? At MY house? Are you crazy?" The Alpha asked, tapping his foot.

Abigail looked at me, waiting for me to give her a signal to kill everyone. I have no doubt she could if she was mad enough. I simply shook my head, and she rolled her eyes.

"With all do respect-"

"And disrespect" Abigail added, cutting me off.

I ignored her and continued talking " She's my mate, I can touch her if I want to. She's mine" I said, trying to keep my wolf down. Bad choice of words? Maybe.

"Is this true Zara?" He asked, looking at my mate that I now know as Zara.

"Yes, I felt it. The pain I've been feeling just slipped away" she said, looking over to me.

This she-wolf had me feeling beside myself with lust. Her eyes alone had my dick rock hard. I wonder if she could smell my arousal like I could smell hers?

"Okay, so that settles it! No one is fighting" their father said.

"Zara, do you feel better?" Her brother asked.

"Yes, so much better!"

"Okay, you guys can leave then. I gave up my morning to meet with this new Alpha, not to deal with this bullshit. Congratulations on finding your mate, but that is not the focus right now. Mate or not this is 100% my sister and I don't like seeing people touch her like she's some item. A real Alpha would know how foolish it is to challenge me in my home" he said, standing tall.


"Mother I have spoken. If they are really mates that will find each other after this meeting. There are important matters we need to discuss. Zara is fine, now go"

Does he dare talk to his own family like that? This is why people get scared of the word Alpha!

His family seemed to accept defeat and started to walk out.

My mate rolled her eyes at her brother, making sure he saw how upset she was. It seems like she's the only person who could disrespect him in any way. While she looked upset, he just looked calm.

"Zara, let's go" her mother called out.

Zara made sure to take her time, walking towards the Luna and giving her a hug.

"See you later Kylie" she said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Then she made her way to her brother. She squeezed his cheeks and gave him a hug.

Her parents called for her again and she sighed.

Quickly she hugged me. Her sent hitting me like a wave. It's funny how you go from not knowing your mate, to obsessed. I wrapped my arms dangerously low on her hips, filling her shiver beneath my hands.

"I don't even know your name," she said, placing her head on my chest.

"Malakai, but you can call me whatever you want" I said, daring to go lower.

She let out a low moan and that's when the moment was over.

"Okay, Zara leave" he said, standing behind her.

She slowly pulled away from me and smiled before she was forced away. I watched the door till her scent was completely gone, then I focused on the meeting.

"Abigail, sit down," I said, picking up our seats. She looked pissed, but she did listen to me. We both sat down waiting for him to continue.

His mate eyed Abigail before taking her seat. If this is my mates family, this is a horribly bad start!

"You have a lot to learn before you can consider yourself an Alpha. Wolves fight and earn that name. You were simply born into the role." He spat.

Deep down I knew he was right. I haven't even been the alpha for a week and look at the mess I've made.

Some packs have to fight to prove that they can be the Alpha, some Alphas pass down the role to their children. Clearly he didn't like that my father gave me this role.

"You have no right to speak to my Alpha this way! His wolf was reacting to his mate, who was very much in heat. Don't act like you wouldn't have done the same!" Abigail said, crossing her legs.

"Are you the beta or the Alpha? Because I'm confused on why he can't talk for himself" his mate said, glaring at her.

"Both of you women shouldn't be talking!" He yelled, you could see how pissed off he was. Hell everyone in the room was pissed.

"I think we all need a break. I can't fully focus on what's going on, my beta needs to let out some steam, you look tense, and your mate looks upset." I said.

"Break huh? We can do that. How about dinner?" He said, finally showing reason.

"What time? We will be there" I said, leaning closer.

"My place, 7:30"he said, standing up.

I nodded my head and stood up as well. My father always told me how important it was to make sure I get along with my neighbors. I can't go back home and tell him how I fucked up.

With that he took us to the door. Abigail couldn't have made her way out of this house faster! It was just one more thing I had to ask before leaving.

"Where is my mate located?"

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