Hurry Up Kai

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Kai 2 days later
It's been 2 days since Zara had been with her parents. I've talked to her every morning and night to make sure she is okay. I also have been talking to Jeremiah to ensure that she's not close to giving birth.

She says that she's really happy down there with her family. I know she's going to want to visit that more and I have no problem with that. She has been having braxton hicks a lot lately which leads me to believe that the baby is coming. I've already prepared to hop on our jet and get to her as fast as possible.

I was sitting in our nursery, proud of how it turned out. We've decided to do a Sponge Bob theme room since we don't know the genders. The walls were painted a bright blue with different SpongeBob characters faces all over it. It had all of their houses painted on the wall too, even Mr. Krabs house.

The 3 bassinets that I set up were inspired by SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward's houses. From the covers to the frame they matched the character houses.

The changing station was inspired by the chum bucket. I even added a Plantation trash can.

I'm very amazed with how it turned out. I can't wait for her to see it!

As I looked around I started to imagine what it would be like to have some pups running around here. To teach my pups and take care of them.

I can't wait to see their little faces and meet their wolves, who I know will be hard to tame. My mother said they had to have a growling match with my wolf to get him to calm down.

I wonder how many pups there are? How many of them are boys and how many are girls? Will they have eyes like the land or eyes like the sea? Will they have her jet black hair or my brown hair?

It's just so many thoughts running through my head I'm so happy.

Zara is supposed to be coming home tomorrow and I already have her doctor on stand by. I had Alpha Zion to set up a doctor too just in case she has them there. I just want everything to be perfect.

I looked down to see that Zara was calling me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, already getting dressed. Every time she calls me my mind automatically thinks she's giving birth.

"Depends on what you think is okay," she said. She sounded like she was fine, but what did she mean by that?

"Zara what does that mean?" I asked, throwing on anything I laid eyes on.

I heard a lot of movement then Jeremiah grabbed the phone.

"Alpha Malakai is this you?" He asked.

"Yes, what's going on?" I asked, running out the house.

"Her water broke, she seems to be fine, but from what I know about pregnancy that means the baby is coming. I have her in the car now along with some of her family members. I'm driving her to the hospital Alpha Zion told you about" he explained clearly.

"I'm on my way right now, put her on the phone"

"Kai, I'm fine. Yes my water broke but I don't feel any pain. You need to get here like now." She explained.

"I'm still coming. Don't worry I'm on my way. I won't miss a thing" I said.

"Okay, I'll see you soon," she said.

"Hun, are you sure you don't feel anything?" My mother asked. She sat next to me rubbing the sweat from my head. My brother was in the passenger seat giving directions to Jeremiah, while I laid on my father.

"I just feel wet, other than that I just feel pregnant" I shrugged.

"Maybe you're just one of the lucky ones. I know when I was giving birth I couldn't even-"

"Oh fuck!" I yelled out as I felt a sharp pain. It felt like someone was stabbing my uterus.

"There it is," my mother said, holding my hand.

"Jeremiah hurry the fuck up!" I yelled out as the pain continued. It felt worse than the heat and I didn't think that was possible. I started to thrash around in the back seat as he drove faster.

"I'll mind-link everyone to clear the roads and I'll tell the doctor to be at the door with some epidural," Zion said, rubbing my leg as I kicked out.

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later and my brother rushed to my side. He picked me up bridal style and ran me into the hospital. Him being the Alpha meant he was obviously fast and everyone got out of his way.

Just as promised there was a doctor at the hospital's door. She was pretty short with red hair. Her glasses sat close to her freckled covered face. She rushed over to me and started asking me questions as we walked to a room.

"Alpha Zion, Luna Zara, I am Doctor Cherry I will be delivering your pups. We are going to room 1 please follow me. Luna, how many pups are you having?"

"You tell me you're the fucking doctor" god I hate that I was being a bitch but I couldn't control how the words flew out. I was in pain!

"Okay, so we are keeping things a secret? I like that. Is Alpha Malakai going to be here?"

"Yes he is, his ass better be!" I yelled as we walked into the room.

He laid me on the bed and a few more people ran in. The nurses started to get my strapped up to different machines and put an IV catheter in my left arm.

"We are wanting an epidural , yes?" Doctor Cherry asked.

"I don't even care, someone called Kai" I said.

She had me sit up and placed my head in between my legs so she could put the big ass needle in my back.

"Alpha Kai said that he will be here in a few minutes" Jeremiah said.

After the needle was placed I felt a sense of relief wash over me knowing that all of this pain was going to stop.

She allowed me to lay back slowly and started to cut my pants off my body. I soon felt a cold breeze on my core before something went inside me.

"You are already 7 centimeters. You're going to be ready to push in a few moments, but not now. I will be back in a few minutes to check on you." She said, giving me a smile.

"Damn it Kai, hurry up!" I yelled.

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