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"Seriously? Come on let's just go with that." I mumbled in a frustrated tone as Alexa kept on changing her dress for tonight's party.

"What? Just last one." she begged but I only grabbed her arms and dragged her out of the apartment.

"Enough is enough, Alexa. Let's get our asses to the bar already. Neo must be waiting for us already."

"My baby's still at their house, honey. He texted awhile ago." she raised her phone to express the text on her sentence.

My eyes came rolling at her remark. " That was moments ago, Alexa. He called me while you were changing. He's by the park already." I informed.

"Ugh! Curse him for being early." she uttered with an annoyed tone.

"Curse you for being late, you say." I corrected her sentence and dragged her to the park near the apartment where Alexa lives.

"You didn't even let me fix my hair! It's all disheveled, scary bear." Alexa glared towards me and I just let her throw her rants.

"Nice to see you, Neo." I greeted and entered his car. I wore the seatbelt quickly so that Alexa won't even think of exchanging seats with me.

"Scary bear, what happened with her?" Neo asked as he rests his elbow on the car door.

"Things. Tell her to get inside the car already." I ordered and pulled the mirror down to check my makeup.

I smiled to myself as I saw how perfectly done my makeup is today. Alexa stalling some time at least did something good for once. Alexa and Neo didn't took long before entering the car. When we were all settled, we hit the roads.

"Who's on duty today?" Alexa asked as she starts to put her hair in a ponytail.

"It's Neo's turn. He's driving us back home."

Every time we go out on parties, we assign one of us to stay sober. The one assigned will be the driver and must take care of the other two. Keeping us safe and sound every time.

"We'll go back by midnight, okay? Mom's gonna kill me if she caught me sneaking in at three."

"Poor Neo. You can crash at Sydney's place if you want to." Alexa suggested.

"That'll upset my Mom more. Midnight, okay? Don't get me looking for you all over."

"But I need to go around to meet some friends, Neo!" Alexa exclaimed which made Neo shake his head in disapproval.

"Stay at one place. If I don't see you anywhere, I'll be leaving you in the bar. Non negotiable." he firmly said which made Alexa groaned.

As we were chatting with each other, we didn't even realize that we arrived at the place already. The familiar bright logo of the bar met our eyes and a smile instantly came to my lips.

"Let's rock this party, baby!" I shouted and we entered the bar cheerfully.

Partying has been a part of my life for like forever. I'm known as a party girl in our university and I don't even care of whatever people say of me. Besides, everyone has something to say even if you do or do not do anything. That's how society is. So why not just live my life the way I want?

And this is my life.

"Neo? I think I'm going to throw up." I said as I walked from left to right. It's been a few hours from when we arrived. I can't see clearly right now. 

Gosh, I drank too much.

"Let's go ladies. Party is over. Come here, Sydnet. Let me assist you." I heard Neo's voice and I did as I was told.

I clung into his shoulder and let him help me walk to his car. As we were walking, I felt somebody slapped me.

"Ouch! That hurts..." I mumbled in an obvious drunk voice.

I have class tomorrow. I can't be dead asleep in my bed. I surely told myself a while ago that I won't drink that much. Why am I like this now? Nothing seems to be going by my plan today.

"God, why am I friends with you again?" I heard somebody said and I laughed at that remark.

"Because you said we're pretty!" I reiterated with a toothy grin.

"I would've dated you if you were pretty to my eyes. Guess what? We're friends." that made me pout in annoyance.

When I felt the car moving along, my eyes started closing for goodness' sake. I bit my lip hard to prevent myself from dozing off.

I'm not... I'm not... sleepy.

I figured out by now that I was a total liar. The moment I opened my eyes, I knew I failed to stay awake.

"Are we home?" I asked in a groggy voice. My throat is kinda dry and I really need to drink some water.

"Damn. We're not home yet, Sydney. I took a wrong turn and the car suddenly broke down."

"Neo? Is that you?" I asked and a faint image of a guy came into view. My eyesight is blurry. I'm not sobered up yet.

"Hey, Sydney. I can see a repair shop from a few meters away. Stay here and wait for me okay? I'll bring a mechanic to look at the car."

"Mechanic? What mechanic?" I wasn't even finished in asking him a question when I heard a sound of footsteps running. It was slowly and slowly fading away.

Neo had gone to the repair shop perhaps.

My throat was killing me so I went out of the car and my knees almost gave up. I'm dead drunk right now. I may be a party girl but I was never really a heavy drinker. I don't have such high alcohol tolerance thus, bringing me to this situation.

I turned my head on each direction and my eyes caught a faint light coming from afar. Is that a house? I can ask them for water. With the thought of water in my mind, I walked the grassy fields. Good thing that I chose to wear stockings which prevented the itchy grasses to directly touch my skin.

My lips formed into a grin as the light looked stronger to my eyes. I have reached the house! I celebrated in my mind like a fool and entered the gates of the house I have reached.

"Excuse me? Is there anyone there?" I called out for someone but I receive no response other than silence.

I walked further and further until my forehead hit a wood. It must be the door. I opened it slowly and darkness welcomed me. Why is it so dark in here? Hesitant, I entered the house. The only thing that gives light to the house is the moon's bright light. Are there no bulbs or anything in here? I can't even find the switch from the walls.

As I discover the other parts of the house, my eyes caught something glistening from the moon's light. My mouth instantly responded to the sight of a liquid inside a glass.

"Water!" I exclaimed and excitedly ran for it.

I grabbed it successfully and even giggled to myself. This will sooth my thirst. I gulped the whole water down and it felt so refreshing and strange. Why does the water taste like this? It's a little sweet and a little bad.

Everything after that, is what I couldn't remember. The only thing that was on my mind was darkness and darkness alone.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now