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It was another weekend which means it's another party!

Our seniors have invited us for a birthday party later at the club. Just like last time, me and my friends will go. Good thing that Neo volunteered himself to be in charge again today so I can freely enjoy myself tonight. No limitations because Neo is there to assist us. He's very trustworthy on that field.

"Mom's been asking me to take you to our house." Neo stated as he munch on a cream bread he got from my fridge.

"Tell her that I'll visit one of these days." I replied while laughing to myself.

Neo's been wearing an annoyed expression which is making me crack up. He really is jealous over his Mom taking a liking to me. He didn't denied the claims about him being jealous which makes it more hilarious for me.

"I don't understand why she's so obsessed with you. If I were you, Sydney, I'd be scared!" he exclaimed but I just laughed it off.

"Aunty just wanted a girl and I happened to be your friend. Having three sons made her yearn for a daughter even more." I explained but Neo grimaced.

"But she's not like that to Alexa. She's only obsessed with you, Sydney." he tried to counter my explanation.

"That's because I was your friend first, Neo." I said and picked up the empty bags of chips on the center table.

I threw them to the bins and gave Neo a water to clench his thirst. He's watching a movie from my television.

"I'll be in my room to change. Open the gate for Alexa when she comes." I reminded because I might take long in preparing.

"Okay. Noted, scary bear."

I went to my room right away when I heard Neo's response. The party is going to start at six and it's already four in the afternoon. Alexa must also be on the way so I need to hurry up in preparing.

After wearing the clothes I picked for the party, I did my makeup and wore the heels that goes well with the clothes. If you're going to rock a party, rock it in a fabulous and dazzling way. I can't show up in a shabby look. That'll tarnish my pretty image.

"Shut up, don't tell Sydney about it." I heard Alexa's voice.

"She deserves to know how much of a wreck you are Alexa. Come clean to Sydney, she would understand."

"Whatever, Neo. Shut up okay? I'll tell her if I want to." Alexa sounded so annoyed so I walked faster to see what they were arguing about.

Neo was sitting on the same spot of the couch while Alexa was sitting on the single sofa on the left. She was wearing her usual revealing clothes. It's so Alexa.

"What's the noise about, guys? I heard you quarreling from over meters away." I stated and glanced at the two.

Neo started munching on the chips as he saw me approaching. Alexa flashed a smile towards me and stood up to greet me with a hug.

"Nothing. I was just telling Neo about my blind date. He said it'll be a wreck." she narrated and I nodded.

"It is really going to be a wreck. Remember the last time you went on a blind date? We had to look for you for how many hours only to find you naked in a hotel room."

"Why would you mention that embarassing time? That was a long time ago!" she laughed at what I just said.

"It wasn't that long. It was just what? Two or three mon---"

"Oh my! It's already five. We must get going to the party." Alexa cut me off and I agreed as I saw the clock on the wall.

"We should really get going. Neo, clean up that mess and turn the television off. We should hit the road already." I suggested and Neo obeyed without a word.

He got the bag of chips and turned the telly off just like what I said. He opened the door for us and locked it after he got out.

"Keys?" I asked Neo and he gave me a raised eyebrow.

"Why? Are you going to drive?" he asked and I nodded to his question.

"You should finish eating. I'll drive for us. Give me the keys, Neo." I said and he tossed the car key before entering the passenger seat.

It didn't take us too long before the venue of the party met our eyes. The neon signs was calling us to enter. I will never get bored of this. We went out of the car and started enjoying the party inside.

"Rover's eyes are already on you,  Sydney. Keep close to me okay? I don't want anything to happen to you." Neo said as we both glanced at where Rover was sitting.

He was indeed staring at me. There was no denying that I was the one he was staring at. Rover is a senior in our university. When I was a freshman, he confessed to me to which I declined. There were rumors that he was still into me and I couldn't agree more. It was obvious that he likes me.

"I won't even separate from you, Neo. The last thing that I want to happen is talking with Rover. He gives me the creeps." I said and clung to Neo's arms as a habit.

"I heard bad rumors about him, Sydney. Be as far away as possible from him tonight. He's a predator during night time and you should never be his prey." Alexa butted in and I nodded to what she said.

"Stay by my side, scary bear. You can't talk to him. Not at night." he reiterated and pulled me to one of the couches.

We sat down and I started sipping on some champagne. This party was a bit more luxurious. It was a rich senior's party so everything in here screams rich. Good for him for being rich and that's also a great thing for us. The more expensive the drink is, the more tasty it is. You don't get to drink expensive ones on a daily basis.

"Slow it down, Sydney. No one's coming after you." Neo said as I finished the second glass of champagne.

As I gulped the third one, I felt a pain in my stomach kicking. My face was crumpled due to it. Damn, do I have my period now? I have irregular periods so there was no telling when it will visit.

"Hey, my stomach kind of feels funny. I'll get some fresh air to ease it."

"Outside? Okay. I'll be on the lookout for Rover. I'll fetch you if I see him following you."

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed and ran out of the club while cupping my stomach.

When I got out, my body started shaking. Like literally shaking. What the hell is happening with me?

I sat on a bench nearby because my knees were giving up on me. Another unbearable pain started kicking in my stomach and I bit my lip.

"Ouch!" I shouted as the pain keeps on getting stronger and stronger.

I felt like dying when my body temperature dropped suddenly. My whole body was freezing cold all of a sudden and I didn't know what to do. Was it the drinks? But I never felt this before.

My body was so cold, my stomach aches, and my whole body is shaking at the same time. I didn't know what to tend to first and the first thing my brain thought of was to fall unconscious.

As I was falling due to all the pain, I felt like the world turned into a slow motion. I can see every move everything was making around me. And the last thing I could remember before blacking out, was the face of a stranger.

A handsome face with unholy visuals that I never thought I would see in this lifetime.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now