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"Would you please stop pacing back and forth? What's with you today?" Neo asked as I walked from here to there.

"Should I ask or not?" I whispered to myself and bit my lip in frustration.

I walked again from the door to the entrance to the kitchen, practically scouring the whole living room. I walked back to the door again and stomped my foot.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm getting worried now, Sydney." Neo said and I stopped in front of the television, making me face Neo who was sitting on the sofa.

"Something's bothering me, Neo." I confessed because the burden is too much to carry.

"Please elaborate." he said and got a piece of popcorn from the bowl and munch on it.

"I'm curious about something and I wanted to ask someone to appease this curiosity." I told him and I saw how Neo nodded.

"So what's bothering you?" he asked so I went near him and sat on the sofa next to him.

"I'm afraid that if I ask, I'll be poking something offensive or unpleasing for that person whom I wanted to ask. I also don't know if I'll be able to understand his answer well." I stated and Neo put the bowl down tot he center table before wiping his hands.

"Instead of thinking endless what ifs, why don't you just try and ask?" he urged but the thought really didn't sit well with me.

"But I'm afraid to ask." I defended and Neo faced me with a serious face.

"Exactly! Don't be afraid unless you try. There's no harm in trying, Sydney. It's all or nothing for you." he advised which didn't really help me much.

I was left speechless and wasn't able to say a comment. What Neo said actually made sense. I mean, I shouldn't be afraid right now right? Like, try it first and be afraid after. That's what I understood from what Neo said. His remark left an impact which made me want to ask now.

"Let's eat lunch, Neo." I abruptly changed the topic and went to the kitchen to cook something.

"All of a sudden? Think about my suggestion, it'll help." he stated and let my palm face him.

"Please don't say anything, anymore. I'm good now, Neo." I said and prepared lunch which the both of us devoured.

I cooked mac and cheese which Neo really loved. He basically ate three fourths of he whole mac and cheese which suited 3 to 4 people. He's a really big eater. It explains his big bulky built.

"Scary bear, I need to go now. Niall kind of needs me for something." Neo informed and nodded quickly.

"Go on. I don't want to keep you here. What does he need you for by the way?" I asked because I was curious.

"I promised to help him out with the renovations. He got his engineer friends over and they were planning on doing some renovations."

"What are they renovating?" I queried again.

The house where Neo's family lives in is perfect as it is. Courtesy of Aunt Nympha's creative and artsy self, I couldn't imagine otherwise.

"Probably mom's kitchen. She has been wanting to renovate it into a modern kitchen."

"A modern kitchen? The Victorian design fits the overall style of the house." I commented.

"Told her that, but I guess she's planning on renovating the whole house soon." he said and I understand if that's what Aunty is planning.

"Good luck for you then. Be careful on the road, Neo." I reminded him.

"Will do. Bye Sydney." he said and finally left my house.

As I got left alone again, my mind drifted off into the same thought. Darla's words were mind boggling. Whatever does she want me to do?

'Go to Darius and you'll be enlightened.'

That's easier said than done, tho. Will I be able to pull it off? That's what I'm uncertain with. The amount of uncertainty is at a very high level that I'm worried if I'd chicken out at the last minute.

Ask or not ask?

A simple question that could have had an answer for hours ago if not for me overthinking here. These are the moments where I miss my parents the moments.

I could really need a talk with my mom right now. She would have answered my question and cleared my mind right away.

I sighed, "Why am I being emotional again?"

This isn't the time to be emotional. I have things I need to get done and matters to handle. And the matters involved me deciding whether to finally feed my curiosity or let it stay hungry for answers.

I decided to do some studying. It might help me get rid of these thoughts from my head. Right, studying might help. I ran upstairs and quickly got my things. I put it on top of the center table by the living room and started reading the textbooks.

As I was highlighting a few phrases and sentences in the textbook, I came upon the word 'ask' for several times.

"God, is this a sign? Oh my gosh, let's just get this over with." I told myself and left my textbooks by the center table.

I didn't bother to change clothes and just got myself a trench coat. I threw it on and some boots before hailing a cab. I gave the driver directions to where the mansion is.

When we finally arrived, the nervousness came back to me like lightning that struck in the sky.

"I came all the way here so might as well go with it." I convinced myself and awkwardly walked to the mansion.

As I arrive by the front door, I contemplated. Knock or not knock? Another stupid question that I had in mind.

"Whatever!" I screamed quietly to myself and knocked three times to the door. 

"Miss Aronson? What are you doing here?" Darius asked when he opened the door for me.

Thank goodness that he answered right away because I felt like fainting if another second had gone by.

"Can I please enter first? Or can I not?" I carefully asked and Darius gave me a smile.

"Do enter, Miss Aronson. Here, let me get that coat from you." he said and got the coat on the elbow and hung it on the coat rack.

As he was busy putting my coat, I did the breathing exercise. I really need this. To calm dow and to gather my courage. All of it if I can.

"So what do I owe this visit for, Miss Aronson? You do seem to have something to say to me." he pointed out.

"Thanks for pointing it out, Darius. I do have something I want to talk with you about. Are you busy right now?"

"Not really, Miss Aronson." he answered and I nodded.

"Great. Because we need to talk." I bravely said and made eye contact with him.

Wish me luck.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now