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"Would you like some tea or anything?" Darius asked as I sat down on the luxurious looking chair inside his office which was located inside his mansion.

"Just water please." I mumbled in a very low voice that I was surprised he could even hear it.

"I'll get you some water at the kitchen. Please wait for me in here, Miss Aronson." he said and smiled before leaving his office.

When Darius finally left the premises, I was able to breathe properly. I let out a huge sigh and touched my chest to feel if my heart was still beating fine. I thought I'll die from out of breathe. As I was calming myself down, my eyes landed on the painting not far away from the door.

It was a portrait painting of Darius.

He was wearing a black turtle neck and he looked dashing in the painting. But what caught my attention was his eyes. They were bloody red in that painting. So is his eyes really red? But why were they a bit golden just now? I'm sure I saw his eyes clearly. They were golden.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Darius said and I was so surprised that I jumped on my sit a little.

I blinked frivolously before accepting the water he handed. Darius only gave me a serious stare as I get the glass from his hands. Accidentally, our hands touched for a moment and the pain in my stomach kicked in suddenly.

"Ah!" I screamed so loudly and clutched my stomach with the hopes of removing the pain.

"Miss Aronson, are you okay? Miss Aronson?" Darius called but I was preoccupied in giving remedy to the pain that I couldn't answer him.

"Ah!" I screamed more loudly as the pain became excruciatingly awful.

"Miss Aronson? Stay with me. Miss Aronson?" Darius called again but the pain was literally killing me.

"I...I can't..." I tried uttering but to no avail.

"Don't close your eyes. Hey, Miss Aronson." Darius ordered but my eyes really wanted to close already.

As I was clenching my teeth and groping my stomach, I couldn't help but scream from pain. The pain was unimaginable. It was worse than experiencing death. As the sensation continues, my eyes started closing slowly.

"Miss Aronson? Sydney! Sydney, don't close your eyes!" Darius shouted to pull my senses back.

When I didn't respond, he aggressively removed my hand which was groping my stomach. He replaced his hands on it and light started coming from it. As the light keeps on fainting, the pain was also starting to disperse. For the whole time, I wasn't able to utter any word.

What did I just witnessed?

"Miss Aronson? Sydney? Are you okay now?" Darius carefully asked and he held my cheeks to make me face him.

I was forced to make an eye contact with him. His eyes turned red again and went back to gold just now. Is he really...?

"I'm sorry if you had to see that. I can't let you pass out again. It might endanger you." he stated and stood up.

"What...what was it?" I asked and started breathing fast.

Adrenaline made me short from breath. It was like I ran in a marathon and just came back. I was breathing heavily.

"That..." Darius started and paused to drink the tea on his cup.

He inhaled a huge amount of air and looked at me with such serious eyes. I gulped nervously as we met eye to eye.

"That was magic, Miss Aronson." he stated and I was stunned for a moment.

"M...m...magic?" I stuttered as I repeated the word he said.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now