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"Ouch! You didn't have to hit me with that!" I complained when Neo hit me with his hardcover book.

"Where were you last night? I went to your house just to find out that you weren't home." Neo stated and I pouted when I saw Alexa's horrified expression.

"Where did you go scary bear? It's so not you to be out by yourself during night." she pointed out.

"Why is it that strange to you? I'm a grown up woman--!" I wasn't able to finish when Alexa slapped my shoulders.

It wasn't that strong so I only gave her a glare. Why am I even getting beaten up in here? I don't have my parents anymore but with these two, I feel like I still have one. Their nagging are just like how parents would do.

"Answer me, Sydney. Where did you go last night?" Neo asked and he was now so serious.

"I was with a...friend." I hesitated a bit there but I acted like I didn't.

"A friend? You don't have any friends besides us!" Alexa reminded.

I hate how she wasn't supporting my lies but Alexa's right. I don't have any friends aside from Neo and her. If I even have one, they'll be my childhood friends which I don't even remember now.

"I have another friend, you know." I defended and Darla popped into my mind.

"Another friend? Where in the world did this friend came from?" Neo interrogated.

"Is it a male or female? Why didn't you told us about this other friend?" Alexa added and I snorted.

"I'll let you meet her this afternoon. You two are free this afternoon right? My other friend and I will be waiting by my favorite cafe." I said with confidence.

Although I don't know if Darla will be available, I should at least give a try. I can just maybe shamelessly ask Darius to contact Darla for me. I should at least do that to save me from all the ear bleeding nagging of these two.

"Three o'clock at the cafe? Okay, I'm in." Alexa said and Neo glared at her.

They fought for a little bit more while before they settled into an agreement. Alexa was pouting when they came back to talk to me. Poor her. She must have been nagged at by Neo.

"I'm in too. Three o'clock tops at the cafe." Neo said and I smiled triumphantly.

"It's settled then! Can I go to class, now that we have reached an agreement?" I asked because twenty minutes is left before my class starts.

"Fine, go on your way." Neo said and I grabbed my bag. I stood up and smiled at them before waving my arms.

"See you later!" I shouted and ran away as fast as I can.

Thankfully, I wasn't late for class and I did well during recitations too. The day's not yet ending but I'm here having all the blessings in the world. I even feel confident that I'll ace the exams I took just now. What is it today that is making me so happy?

"Enjoy your lunch break students." our professor said and bid goodbye before walking out of the lecture hall.

"Sydney, are you going to the library?" Freya asked while I was gathering my things.

"No, I won't. Why? Do you need something in the library?" I asked because I can just swing by if she needs something.

I'll be much more open to help her.

"Nevermind. I'll see you ater for our evening class. Enjoy your lunch break." she said and I nodded with a smile.

After finally gathering all of my things, I bought a sandwich from Subway and hailed a cab. I gave him the address of Darius's mansion. I have seen it yesterday in front of the mailbox beside his gate. The full address was written there.

"What are you doing at a place like this, student?" the driver suddenly asked as we passed by some streets leading to the mansion.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear what you just said, Sir. May I hear it again?" I asked as I was too preoccupied in eating my sandwich.

"Nothing. Just be careful around here, young lady." he said with such a serious expression that made me uncomfy a little bit.

Why is telling me to be careful around here? There's nothing I should be afraid of, right? It's just the town where Darius's mansion is located. I doubt that something bad will happen.

"Here's the fare, Sir. Thank you for the ride." I said and handed me cash before going out of his cab.

I was now standing in front if the humongous gate of Darius's mansion. Maybe it was because of the driver's weird advice that made me anxious. I looked in front and the mansion still looks the same. I blew a deep breath and shook off the uneasiness in my head. This is really Mr. Driver's fault. Why did he even say such a weird remark?

"Darius? Are you inside?" I asked after I knocked three times on his door.

It didn't take too long before the same attractive guy opened the door. I smiled and invited myself in before he can even say anything.

"Where's Darla? Is she in here?" I asked as I looked left to right.

I walked even further and reached the dining room. I placed the sandwich I bought for Darius on top of the table. I smiled to myself when my eyes was suddenly caught by something strange. My brows creased when I saw a red liquid dripping out if his refrigerator. Did he spilled something inside his fridge?

Without much thought, I approached the fridge and was taken aback when the scent entered my nostrils. I blinked once or twice or thrice as my brain lagged for a while.

Why is there blood dripping out of his fridge?

In an attempt to find out what the cause is, I was about to open the door of the fridge when I suddenly heard Darius's footsteps. I abruptly ran to the dining room and pretended like nothing happened.

"What are you doing here?" he asked and looked at the bag of sandwich on the table.

"Can you please contact Darla for me? I need her for something." I straightforwardly said.

"Darla?" he repeated to which I responded with a nod.

"Can you please call her? Tell her Sydney is in need of help."

"I'll call her if you wait by my car. I'll drive you back to campus. You still have a class right?" he asked and held my elbows to assist me out.

"I wilk be at your car waiting. Tell her to come by my university." I exclaimed as I walked towards the parked car in the yard.

Before the doors of his house shut close, I had a quick glimpse of the kitchen which was overlooking from here.

That blood is strangely making me anxious and alerted. Why do I feel this way?

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now