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'But I'm partly responsible for it though, which you probably don't know.'

That sentence kept on lingering to mind even until now. It has been a few days after Darius took me out for a surprise lunch.

What does he mean with him being partly responsible for all the inconveniences I am experiencing? I don't honestly understand what he just said.

It's not like he cursed me or anything. He's not some magician to do that.

"Wait a minute. What if he is a magician or some magical creature or something?" I mumbled to myself and I immediately got goosebumps.

To be super honest, there's a part in me that believes in the existence of magical creatures. Yes, I have stated how they were just fictional creatures but why do I seem to be changing arguments now? I mean, no one is knowledgeable about all the things in the whole world. Who knows if I have been meeting magical creatures for my twenty two years on Earth? No one can really tell.

Aliens exists too in my mindset. The universe is big enough for billions or trillions of creatures. And we humans haven't conquered the whole universe to conclude that there are no such things as aliens. Weird but I do stand on that side of the argument.

"But what if he really is something like that? What would I do if he really isn't a normal human?" I asked myself and pondered over it seriously.

If he really is not human, that would explain the changing of his eye color. Darla and Darius both have those ability. If they really aren't like me, then what would they be?

"Creatures that changes their eyes. Is this the right way in asking Google?" I asked myself as I typed in a question.

No matter how many times I try, Google didn't supplied me with helpful info. Maybe it was my unconventional way of asking but I just can't seem to get the results I wanted.

I threw my phone in frustration and took a bite on the beef jerky I was munching on a while ago. It was a Saturday and I'm just here in the living room watching movies. Good thing that Darla called me which kind of made me excited.

"Are you free today, Sydney?" she asked over the phone.

"Yes, I am. Do you need me for something?" I replied to Darla.

"Well, I was hoping if I could hang out with you today or something." she stated and I was more than okay with that.

"Totally fine with what you want, Darla. Where should we meet?" I asked because I'm now looking forward to this.

"Let's just meet up by the nearby mall. You know that one Italian resto inside the mall? You can wait in front of that." she informed and I nodded before repeating what she said in my head.

"Okay. What time shall we meet up?" I asked.

"Two or three. Between that timeline. I'll see you later, okay?" she said and I smiled.

"See you too, Darla." I replied for the last time before we ended the call.

It was already twelve in the afternoon and I have finished cleaning the whole house. I decided to take a quick shower before changing into the clothes I picked for today. I also started putting on my makeup thoroughly.

After prepping up for an hour or so, I was ready to go. I finished up forty five minutes before two and I decided to just go to the mall already. I'm sure Darla won't be so late.

"Let's go inside the resto first. It's burning hot out here." Darla said when she arrived at exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Did you came from work?" I asked because she looked so worn out and haggard.

"If you humans call it work, maybe it is work." she said and my brows met each other.

"Humans? Aren't you a human too?" I carefully asked and I saw how her pupils dilated.

She looked surprised with my question. I wonder why.

"Right. We are humans." she said and quickly avoided my gaze before calling a waiter.

Did I asked something so controversial? Darla really looked like her biggest secret had just been revealed to the world.

"So how are you doing these days?" Darla asked when we finally got to sit down.

"Nothing much. I have the whole summer to spend and I'm thinking about doing research." I confessed to Darla.

"Research? About what?" she asked and I put down the fork that I was using to tell her.

"Well, I have been interested with magical creatures these days. I was hoping to do some research about them." I reiterated and Darla raised her eyebrows.

"Creatures? What is it for?" she asked in a tone I couldn't comprehend. The tone she used had a bit of annoyance and anger in it.

"Well it's not serious. I just got really curious with them." I said but my mind wanted something else to say.

The real reason why I suddenly became interested in this research thing is because of her and Darius. I don't know why but my gut feeling is telling me that I should dig the truth behind them.

"There are things in this world which you still don't know, Sydney. And digging into things you weren't supposed to know might put you in trouble." Darla seriously said.

I was taken aback with her serious remark that I was stunned for a few seconds.

"What does that supposed to mean, Darla? Why are you so serious all of a sudden?" I used a friendly tone to lighten up the mood.

"Please don't think about things that might really endanger you. Stop thinking about those kind of things."

"What are you talking about, Darla? What things?" I asked, now super nervous at what she was saying.

"This is why he badly wanted to convert you. I can see the reason now." she continued and this time, I was really disturbed with what she said.

"Convert?" I mumbled out loud.

What does she mean that Darius wanted to convert me? Convert to what? What exactly is she talking about right now?

"If you are really eager in chasing away those disturbing thoughts in your head, just ask us. Don't go around endangering yourself." Darla said and stood up.

Is she leaving me here?

"You're confusing me right now, Darla." I stated as she put on her glasses.

"Don't be, Sydney. I'm just preventing you to fall off the cliff and be jeopardize. Go to Darius and you'll be enlightened."

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now