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Warning: Violence

"By the way, I have been doing this project for one of my majors. I really wanted to get your feedback." I said to continue the conversation.

Darius told me not to hang up.

And I know that it's just the right thing to do during these times. I'm in danger and am with someone who can potentially harm me in any way. Hanging up from this phone call would be the last thing I would do.

That's just dumb to do so.

"Is he showing any aggressiveness?" Darius interrogate and I gulped.

"No. I don't think so." I replied and sounded cheerful like how I should probably do on normal days.

"That's great. Just make sure to stay away from him as far as possible." he ordered but that was one of his orders that I couldn't do.

My feet are stuck to the floor. I was stoked. I couldn't move at all.

I might be carrying this conversation normally but that doesn't mean that the nervousness subsided. It's still there. And it's hindering me to move.

"I can't, babe. I can't." I retorted to let Darius know my situation.

I'm picking out the words to say. One wrong word and I might be put in grave danger. So I'm being very careful not to spit out any unnecessary words that may alert the stranger of what I am really doing right now.

"Okay, I'm just three houses away. Please be safe, Miss Aronson." Darius informed and that is when my heart pounded.

He's here!

Oh my goodness. Once he arrives, I'll be safe. I won't need to be anxious and nervous anymore. I'll be out of danger.

"Okay. I heard you, babe. But really?" I tried to sound convincing.

Darius is just three houses away from here. There are just a few moments before he arrives in my house and give me the safety I am yearning for right now.

My eyes caught the faint light from outside. It must be Darius. He's here! He's really here! Out of relief, I was able to walk. I took a step and hurriedly went to the door.

But before I could even get hold of the door, someone grabbed my hair and stopped me. I felt the guy gripping on my hair. My scalp was starting to hurt because of what he was doing.

"What do you want from me?" I bravely asked to divert the guy's attention.

"What do I want from you? Wrong question, Miss. It should be what can I get by using you." he reiterated and my brows furrowed.

What in the world is he talking about?

Crazy people are really spread around the world that it is getting scarier to live after day by day. He even had the energy to laugh and it sent shiver to my spine.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked again just to prolong this talk.

"I just wanted someone to show up. And you're so fucking talkative." he said and abruptly placed a handkerchief on my nose.

I was caught off guard so I involuntarily sniffed a little of whatever chemical he had put in that handkerchief. But it wasn't enough to knock me down. I was struggling but I knew that help was near.

Darius is here!

"Let go of her." I heard Darius said and the guy just laughed it off.

"Why should I listen to you?" the guy replied and I heard Darius's heavy breathing.

"I showed up, what do you still want?" he asked the guy and I was confused.

I'm starting to feel the chemical to kick in. I'm losing the ability to understand what they were saying. I can still hear them, but I couldn't comprehend.

"Instead of blabbering, you should probably make me let go of this lady first. Don't you think so?"

The handkerchief was still on my nose. So as seconds passed by, I kept on inhaling it. Making me more near to unconsciousness.

"I'll send you to hell, Vlad." Darius said and it was so sudden.

The guy let go of me so I was forced to sit on the floor. I fell down because my legs didn't have the energy anymore. What in the world is that chemical that guy let me inhale? It wasn't just making me sleepy but is making me lose all of my energy.

"You still got it in you, Von Stein. I thought all these years made you rusty." the guy said and from my blurry vision, I can see them fighting.

They were engaging in a combat fight but I couldn't see well. I can only see their blurred images as they swiftly shift from one place to another. They were fighting for real.

"What the fuck is happening here?" somebody said and even id I couldn't see who it was, I was sure that the voice belonged to Darla.

Did Darius call her? He must have asked her to come.

"Ah... Darla Von Stein. Nice seeing you here. You seem sexier than the last time I snuck into your bedroom." the guy who intruded my house remarked.

"Fuck you, Vlad. You were uninvited." Darla replied.

"I'd fuck you too Darla if you weren't just part of the Von Stein family." the guy replied again as if Darla being part of her family was a bad thing.

"Quit the talking, preach. Let's just fight it off." Darla said and I heard her walking.

"In bed? Sure!" the guy reiterated and chuckled in a pervert manner.

"In hell, Vlad. In fucking hell." Darla replied and charged towards the guy.

"Will you take care of him?" Darius was talking to someone but I couldn't see who it was.

But I was sure that it was a guy.

"Yes, Darius. Just bring her somewhere safe."

"Thanks, Caleb. I'll inform the troops." Darius informed but the Caleb guy refused.

He said that they will be fine since Darla was in a foul mood before they got here. The intruder would probably just flee by any chance.

"Miss Aronson? Are you okay?" Darius asked but I couldn't answer him.

I was so tired and dizzy. Whatever in hell that guy gave me, was poisonous to my system. It was draining me in an awful way.

Darius picked me up and hurriedly left the premises where Darla and the intruder was fighting. I can hear some shattering sounds but it didn't matter anymore. They can ruin the interior as long as the house still stand.

"Miss Aronson? Shit, please don't close your eyes." Darius begged and put in the backseat.

As I was not responding, he must have grown more worried of me. I was fine even though I couldn't move or speak. It's just that the energy was drained from my body but strangely, I was still conscious. I am still aware of my surroundings.

"Miss Aronson? You leave me no choice." Darius mumbled before I felt it.

I felt his lips was touching mine.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now