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"Are you okay, darling?" Rover's mom asked and I smiled as an answer.

I am sitting here in the living room while drinking water. Rover is in the kitchen to ask his dad if he could borrow his car. Rover said he'll drive us to the station to report what happened today.

"You must have had a shock. Are you hurt anywhere?" his mom asked again.

"I have none, Ma'am." I answered in a low voice.

"Thank goodness. Rover, be quick and go to the station already." his mom ordered.

"Yes, mom. I'll just get the car key from your room." Rover said and gave me a 'wait' gesture.

"When you get home after reporting to the police, tell your parents about what happened. Don't keep these from them." Rover's mom said and I froze.


I wish I still had one to consult with for events like this. Now it's even harder not to cry after Rover's mom mentioned parents. I just fell helpless right now. And very lost.

"Y..yes, ma'am. Will do." I managed to answer and Rover's mom smiled before she went back tot he kitchen.

When she left, I felt so tired and hurt. I know that it's not her fault. She doesn't even know that I don't have my parents here with me anymore. And I didn't bother to correct her. However, it still hurts me so much whenever adults mention my parents.

"Sydney? Are you ready to go?" I didn't even noticed that Rover was back.

"Yes, let's go." I timidly said and he waited for me to get up.

Rover looked awkward because he wanted to assist me in walking. I must still look so energy deprived and pale right now. As much as he wanted to help, it must be really awkward for him.

Thankfully, I succeeded in entering the car. As I was wearing the seatbelt, Rover went around to enter the driver's seat. The drive to the police station didn't take much of our time. It was just a five or four minute drive, I guess.

"Are you okay in narrating to them what happened to you tonight?" Rover asked out of worry.

"It's fine. I can manage." I said and went out of his car.

We walked towards the station and the police force welcomed us inside.

"So what brought you here?" one police man asked as Rover instructed me to sit on the chair.

"My friend here was chased by some creepy guy." Rover answered the question from me.

"Okay. Where and what time did this happen?" he asked and Rover looked at me.

I gulped out of nervousness and fidgeted with my finger. Hoping to calm down a little again.

"I... I noticed him following me when I went out of the university. I was walking towards the bus stop." I said and the police started writing it down.

"Are you sure that he was certainly following you?" he asked again and I nodded.

"Yes, yes he did. When I walked fast, he would walk fast. And when I run, he would run too." I informed him of what happened.

"Did you see his face, Miss?"

"No. He was wearing a black hoodie and a face mask. It was hard to see his face especially on night time."

"We'll process this report and deploy a few police men around the area. What university is it, again?" the police man asked and Rover answered the question on behalf of me.

"So what now?" I asked Rover because he was the one who wanted to report to the police.

"I'll drive you home or is someone coming for you?" he asked and I was left speechless again.

No. There won't be anyone coming to pick me up here.

"Can I have your ID, Miss? Mind if I call the person on your emergency number?" the police man asked again before I could answer Rover's question.

"Here, Sir." I said and handed him my ID with shaky hands.

"Must have been quite a shock for you, young lady. Don't worry, we'll assign some people in that area from now on."

The police man said and it warmed my heart. It felt overwhelming to know that people still care for others. The world isn't that rotten bad after all.

"I'll get going once someone picks you up from here, Sydney." Rover announced but I quickly decline.

"Don't worry about me now, Rover. I'm in a police station. What could happen to me here?" I reason out.

"Are you really okay now? You seem a little bit scared when you went out of the car a while ago." he pointed out but I smiled at his direction.

"I'm really fine now, Rover. Go on and drive back to your house. Your parents must be waiting."

"Okay. If you say so. Just to make sure, I'll call you after thirty minutes. Accept my call." he said to me.

"How will you call when you don't have my number?" I asked because I can't remember him having my number.

Rover froze probably thinking about what I said.

"Or... do you have my number without me knowing?" I teased because it was common for admirers to secretly acquire numbers of the person they like.

"No! Of course not!" Rover defended and his ears started to become burning red.

"It's okay. I'm cool with it even if you really have my number." I brushed it off.

I just pulled some joke to lessen the trembling of my hands. It actually helped and I'm thankful for that.

"I really don't have your number so if you could type it in, I would be grateful." Rover said and handed me his phone.

I didn't hesitate and typed in my number. I saved it as 'Sydney' and gave it back to Rover.

"Thank you for saving me tonight, Rover. And please keep your promise." I said and Rover nodded.

"I will. I hope you get home safe, Sydney." he said and went out of the station.

"The person on your emergency contact responded and said that they will be here in a minute." the police man informed me and I was relieved.

But whose number did I put in my emergency contact again? I couldn't remember. When the police man handed me my ID back, I looked at who was in my emergency contact. A faint pain struck my heart when I saw that it was the house hotline.

I wonder who responded to that. The obvious answer would probably be Darius since he lives with me in the house. I just wish he really is the one who received the call. I really don't want to let Neo know what happened to me.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now