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The moment my eyes shot open, I realized that I passed out again. The same room inside Darius's mansion welcomed me and I was in the big bed yet again. I stood up and fixed the beddings before going out of the room.

"I guess passing out is my habit now." I mumbled helplessly.

Unlike any other day, the mansion was extra bright today. What's with all the lights turned on? Almost every corner of the mansion was lit up. Is there some occasion today or something?

"Glad you're awake." somebody said and I turned my head to where the voice came from.

Darla emerged from the dark hallway at the left with a glass of wine on her hand. She smiled once she saw me looking at her.

"What time is it?" I asked because I couldn't tell from here.

From so much questions that I wanted to ask of her, the time really just had to come out. I was still in daze and couldn't comprehend well right now. I am not in the right state of mind.

"It's forty five past twelve. Why?" she asked and I sighed.

That's why my head hurts. It was just twelve in the morning. I can't handle to wake up on irregular times. I get headache whenever I wake up too early.

"Can I go home now?" I asked because I was too tired.

"I can't drive for you. And Darius is too beat up to escort you home." she answered and took a sip on the wine.

I closed my eyes from annoyance. Does she really have to drink a blood like liquid in front of me? Doesn't she know that she's scaring me right now? A little consideration won't hurt.

"Fine. I'll put this aside." Darla suddenly said and I looked at her in confusion.

"What?" I queried from her sudden remark.

"You wanted me to put this away. Sorry for reminding you of what we are. I'll be in the kitchen to discard this blood like liquid." Darla said and I was surprised.

Did she just read my mind? Just how many powers do they have? Knowing that they have so many powers makes me shiver a little.

"Sorry for that, Sydney. I can't help it. You just have so many interesting thoughts." Darla replied which gave me goosebumps.

"Can you please, not read my mind again? It's creeping me out." I voiced out and Darla gave me a sly smile before finally leaving.

I sighed and sit on the chair on the hallway. Why are there so many unnecessary things in this mansion? Even the hallways have chairs. Shouldn't the hallway be clean and tidy?

"You're awake." a voice came out from nowhere and I almost had a heart attack.

"Do you guys always loved surprising people? Can't you just, announce your presence in a not so heart dropping way?" I complained and Darius looked so apologetic.

"I'm sorry for that, Miss Aronson. I didn't know you will be so surprised." he apologized and I sighed for the hundredth time today.

"It's fine. I'll just get back to the room." I informed and left Darius in the hallway.

I entered the room once again and lay on the bed. Before I can even realize it, I was drifting off to dreamland again. I probably woke up around nine in the morning already after falling asleep at twelve. When I went down to finally leave Darius's mansion, I stumbled upon Darla who was chilling on the living room.

"Leaving already?" she asked without looking at me.

"I need to. I'm meeting Neo today." I answered.

I was now a lot more okay than yesterday. I was in a dazed last night but thanks for the sleep, I kind of got my senses back together. I'm not as sensitive today either. Must be from all the shock.

"You should stay over for lunch. You can leave after that." Darla said but I shook my head.

"I'm fine, Darla. I'll see you some other time." I bid goodbye and walked out of the mansion at last.

The timing was great because a cab passed by which made it easy for me to go home. After arriving at my house, I prepared a hot bath for myself. I'll be needing it.

"Why? Do you need something?" I answered Neo's call.

"You sound so down, scary bear. Something's up?" he asked over he phone and I sighed.

"Nothing much. Why did you call?" I diverted the topic and touched the water on the bathtub to check if it was okay.

"I just wanted to check if you still haven't forgotten about our plan this weekend." he reminded.

"I haven't forgotten it, Neo. I'll still go of course." I replied.

Aunty invited me over for a family summer outing. It's just going to be held in their house so I agreed with it. I'll be spending two days and one night at Neo's in the weekend.

"That's great. Mom kept asking if you are still coming."

"Tell Aunty I am still coming to sleepover on the weekend." I assured Neo and finished getting all the things I would need for my bath.

"Okay, noted. See you on the weekend, Sydney." Neo energetically said and I couldn't help but smile thanks to his brightness.

"See you." I reiterated before ending the call.

I put my phone on a dry place before finally enjoying my bath. The hot bath cleansed my body and mind completely. It kind of helped in calming my mind. There's just a lot of things running around it right now.

"I may look fine now but the thought it still lingering. How do I get rid of this?" I talked to myself while fixing myself in front of the mirror.

I sighed for so many times that I don't know how much more I would sigh today. It's endless.

I put a lip balm at last and went out of the bathroom to wear some casual clothes. I'm going to continue studying which was put on hold yesterday. I got sweatpants and a sweater before going in my room. Thankfully, I started studying without any problem.

As I was writing down several important notes on my notebook, my thought drifted to Darius again. Why do I keep on thinking about him again?

I bit my lip and ruffled my hair in frustration. No matter what I do, I just keep on thinking about the same revelation yesterday. It keeps replaying like an annoying record.

"I didn't signed up for this." I mumbled mindlessly and dropped my head to the table.

There's no possible way in getting rid of all the things I acquired yesterday. Am I a bad person in my past life that God gave me this flabbergasting present? This is something I'll never imagine to be caught up into.

I mean, this isn't just a simple matter. It's my first time stumbling upon them and they're not even humans. Now I don't even know if this is safe or what.

Darla and Darius seemed nice to me. But I just met them like two months or so. I still have a lot to know about them if ever I decide to mingle with Darla and Darius. They are this super interesting yet dangerous people.

Now it's on me if I want to dig deeper and get to know these dangerous yet interesting people.

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