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I couldn't bring myself to sleep last night. What Darla and Darius talked about made it hard for me to doze off. I just couldn't get it off of my mind. It was disturbing and I want to get enlightened. However, the only option for me to get enlightened is through asking them. Will they even answer me if I asked?

"Miss Aronson? Are you awake?" I got startled from the sudden question from Darius.

It was already morning. Although I slept for three hours or so, it wasn't enough. I don't even know if I looked okay to go to the university today. But whatever, I need to submit some paper works to my professors today and I can't just be laying around the house all day.

"Yes, Darius. I'm awake." I answered and fixed myself.

I don't look too haggard but still, I can't be looking like a wreck in front of Darius. That'll be the worse thing that can happen. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror and brushed my hair with my fingers. That's better than not brushing it at all.

"I brought you some soup. Are you feeling okay now?" he asked and placed the soup in front of me.

"I'm okay. Thank you for coming to the police station last night. I forgot that the emergency contact in my ID was still the house telephone." I sadly reminisce the past again.

"It's okay, Miss Aronson. If you want, let's change the emergency contact to my number." Darius offered and my eyes grew bigger.

"It's fine, Darius. I don't think I'll be in that situation again anyway."

"It's wrong to conclude that, Miss Aronson. You wouldn't know when he'll be back."

"Okay, I understand. I'll put you in my fast dial number one, Darius." I said and he smiled before leaving.

After he left I had mixed feelings again. I wanted to feel happy because he offered to be the person I can call on emergencies. But with what I heard last night, I just couldn't bring myself to be entirely happy right now.

I just finished the soup Darius cooked for breakfast. After eating, I spent some time on my computer. Did all my school works and printed them out. I'll just pass this to my professors and I'll skip the class for today.

Took a shower and threw on some clothes. A simple jeans, shirt, and a coat for my outfit today.

"Are you going to the university, Miss Aronson?" Darius asked when I went down with my bag.

"Yes, Darius. Did Darla went home last night?" I asked because I can't see her anywhere.

"She slept here and is waiting for you outside, Miss Aronson." he said and I automatically turned my head towards the window.

Darla was really outside walking towards her car. Is she going to drive me to the university?

"I'll see you later, Darius." I said and didn't wait for his reply.

I ran to Darla's car and entered the passenger seat. I smiled at her and wore the seatbelt.

"How can you smile after hearing those things from last night?" Darla asked and I looked at her.

"What do you mean?" I clarified because I'm not sure if she really did just said that.

"I know you were awake last night. You probably heard everything we talked about." Darla stated and started driving.

"Look, Darla. I admit that I intentionally listened to your conversation last night. But what's with the attitude?"

I'm just lost here because shouldn't I be the one having an attitude after hearing those things they were talking about? I'm certain they were pertaining to me. My brain may be foggy from the lack of sleep but I'm sure my name was mentioned once or twice in the conversation.

"I care about you, Sydney. You are such a smart girl but is gullible and naive sometimes. I just can't believe that you can still smile after hearing those disturbing things." she stated and I looked at the distance.

"If I asked, would you have answered?" I honestly think that they wouldn't answer me. As much as their kindness reaches, I am pretty sure they also have a line they'll never cross.

"I won't." Darla quickly reiterated and that made me turn my head towards her.

"What?" I couldn't help but mutter out loud because I couldn't believe that she really said that to me.

"I won't answer, Sydney. Not because I don't want to, but because you are asking the wrong person."

I noticed that we were going to arrive to my university already. That was a fast ride. Whatever was happening inside this car is totally crap. I really don't want to think this way because they've been the nicest person to me ever. It just feels so wrong to judge them entirely from just a single suspicious conversation which I don't even know the whole story for. 

"It's not me who you're supposed to be asking those questions, Sydney. It's better if you asked him those."

"You want me to ask Darius? When you can just answer them yourself?" I asked because I couldn't understand the analogy.

Both of them knows. Both of them are aware of the answers. So what difference will it make if I asked Darius instead of her? The answer to my question will probably be the same even if I asked one of them.

"I can answer them if I wanted to, Sydney. But there are wounds that I would be poking if I did. And it isn't my story to tell."

"I couldn't comprehend." I informed and Darla sighed.

"A simple crime can become a heinous one based on the statement of a witness. Any alterations to the actual event may become a bigger contributor to it being worse. It's the matter of perspective, Sydney. On who is stating this or that."

I couldn't think of any comeback for that. She explained it perfectly that it rendered me speechless for now. Darla has a great way with her words.

"So you want me to ask Darius." I concluded from all those talk.

"Yes, Sydney. If not Darius then not anyone else." she said and I nodded.

"Thank you for the ride, Darla. Be careful on your way back." I said and gave her a half smile before shutting the car door close.

I stepped inside the university and couldn't help but look back from where I came from.

Ask Darius? Easier said than done, I guess. But if not him, then it won't be anyone else. I guess I do not have a choice but to ask Darius. Darla did a great convincing back there. I got swayed into making a decision.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now