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"Sydney!" somebody shouted from the entrance of the cafe.

A smile instantly appeared on my lips as I saw Darla walking like a queen. She's like a model walking in a runway. It looked so effortlessly elegant.

"Glad you could make it!" I exclaimed and gave her a welcome hug.

We embraced each other for a few seconds before we settled down on our seats. Darla took her sunglasses off in a very classy way.

"So I heard you needed my assistance? You called for the right person then Sydney." she said with much confidence.

"I really need my friends to believe this story. I'll be doomed if they find out I was lying." I stated with my most pitiful look.

"So I can't mention anything about Darius, right?" she asked and I nodded frivolously.

"The last thing we should put together in a sentence is night and a man. That'll infuriate my friends."

"No offense but you're already a grown up though. Why are they acting superior over you?" Darla stated and I was little bit taken aback.

It was a little bit surprising but also amusing. It's great to see that Darla expresses herself very openly and confident. We should say what we think as long as we know the limit. That's what I like about other people.

"My parents died when I was so young and my friend's mom is basically like my mom now too. It's like, we're siblings." I said, unsure if my explanation was clear enough.

"Okay, I understand. So how does the story goes? I should be briefed thoroughly so this can succeed." she said and pulled out her phone to take some note of it.

"You don't really need a note. Just tell my friends that I visited your house that night. That'll be enough." I informed and Darla nodded.

After placing her phone on the table, her head suddenly snapped to the left. She finally saw Darius chilling on the table not far from us.

"What's he doing here? Didn't he leave yet?" Darla asked with her eyebrows raised in a very intimidating way.

"He said he'll tag along with us today." I told Darla as her staring goes for longer.

"Look at him standing by as if something will happen. He's hopeless." Darla whispered which I didn't quite comprehend.

"Pardon?" I asked as Darla shakes her head.

"It's nothing. When will your friends arrive again?" she asked.

"They said they were on the way." I replied and as if on cue, the door opened.

"Here!" I raised my hand to let my friends find me faster. Alexa pulled Neo quickly when she saw me sitting with Darla.

"Sorry, I was in a little bit of a pickle today. Did you wait for long?" Alexa asked after sitting down.

"We didn't wait for much." I reiterated and observed my friends.

Neo seems to be a little bit in a bad mood and Alexa looks okay to me. I think nothing's going to go wrong today. I wish.

"So...you must be Sydney's friend." Alexa started and looked at Darla sitting prettily beside me.

"Hi, I'm Darla. Nice to meet you?" Darla asked and Alexa didn't hesitated to give her a handshake.

"I'm Alexa and this is Neo. We are Sydney's friends too. It's nice to meet you."

"Alexa and Neo? Fabulous names you have there." Darla complimented with her sweetest smile.

"Thank you. You also have such a wonderful name. You're the first girl with the name Darla I have met." Alexa confesses and they both bursted into a giggle.

"So, shall we move to another place? It's my first time meeting you guys and eating at a cafe is a no-no for me." Darla suggested to my friends.

"Sorry, we didn't really brought much money so I think we'll be fine in this cafe." Neo coldly rejected but Darla was as tough as he was.

"It's okay. It's my treat. Don't worry about money." she replied which made Neo creased his eyebrows.

"Yeah, don't worry guys. Let's go and transfer to a restaurant." I said and they both didn't argue anymore.

We walked out of the cafe and my attention was pulled back to the cafe. Unintentionally, I am thinking about Darius. Will he notice us going? I hope he doesn't stay there in the cafe for long.

"You own a Rolls Royce?" Alexa queried as we arrived at the parking lot.

My eyes also bawled as I saw what she was pertaining to. The last time I remembered, Darla owns a pink porsche which she used to drive me home last time. Didn't know she also has another expensive car.

"Ordered it a year ago and it just arrived last week. It was customized, so yeah, hop in." Darla invited and Alexa was more than happy to ride the car.

Our drive to the restaurant didn't took too long. A bit more than twenty minutes and we arrived at a restaurant. By the looks of it, the resto was an expensive place. I bet they won't have food lower than a hundred dollars.

We all went out and Alexa looked so excitedly, so as Neo who seemed to be a little upset looked more okay than a few moments ago. We waited for Darla as a valet gets the car key to park the car.

"Shall we enter?" Darla asked.

"Are you really going to treat us here? It looks so expensive." Alexa brought up.

"I haven't told you that I wasn't a student anymore, right? It's fine. I can earn money anytime." Darla nonchalantly answered.

"She wasn't a student?" Neo asked when Darla walked a little farther away from us.

"She's currently working. Did she looked like a student to you?" I asked Neo who seemed to be so surprised with the information.

"I should've known that she wasn't a student. The rolls royce was a big hint." Alexa said and we all started following Darla to the restaurant.

Before we can enter, Darla suddenly stopped. My friends and I did the same. We were unfamiliar with the place so without her, we can't just go inside. We'll look like beggars if we do.

"Everything okay, Darla?" I asked because she looked so bothered just now.

"It's nothing. You and your friends should go inside. Just tell the crew by the counter that you reserved a place under Darla Von Stein." she said and handed me her ID for a backup.

My friends didn't ask furthermore and finally entered the restaurant. Unlike them, I was left there with my curiosity being irked. I didn't know what was happening but Darla's action left me an unsettling feeling. There was also something that made me confused. I didn't know if my eyesight was going bad or did Darla's eyes really changed into a different color?

Strangely, I caught how her brown eyes altered into a red blood-like eyes. Am I wrong or am I just dreaming right now?

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now