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I woke up early in the morning to prepare breakfast. I did my routine for today and went to the kitchen immediately. I'll just cook some waffle or something. I don't exactly know what Darius likes but I know that he eats whatever dish there is.

He's probably not a picky eater. I guess.

"What's up?" Neo asked on the other line of the phone.

"Totally fine. Why did you call?" I asked Neo.

"Nothing in particular. Just wanted to check up on you. Who knows if you are a dead corpse in your house by now? Just wanted to make sure." Neo teased and I frowned.

"You should have just told me that you want me dead. You? I hope you are doing fine." I said because Neo is probably surrounded by girls by now.

Every summer, Neo would go to the football camp. He's a football player and they have a summer camp every year. And every time he comes there with his teammates, several fan girls would be flocking around the camp. Well, I couldn't blame them. Neo and his team is consisted with good looking players.

"Fine as I could be. The girls are just a little annoying but I can handle." he replied and I was relieved.

"If they hit a nerve, just tell me and I'll kick their asses for you. I got your back, Neo." I proudly volunteered and Neo chuckled on the other line.

"Noted, scary bear. Are you going to visit me here? I would be needing a little support." he said and I laughed.

"Of course, I'll visit. I'm planning to come after lunch. Do you have a training after lunch?" I asked because I don't want to disturb his training.

"Just a little game between our team. You can come and cheer me on." he suggested.

"Sure, Neo. I'll be the best cheerleader in the camp. You got---- holy shit!" I exclaimed as I felt a cold body slightly pressed on my back.

I held onto my phone and turned my body around to see who it was. It made me face to face with Darius who wasn't looking at me. His arms was extended upwards and I followed it to see what he was getting. He was reaching for the cabinets up there.

"Sydney? Everything all right? What was that just now?" Neo asked and I quickly put the phone back to my ears.

"Yes, Neo. I'm just a little busy cooking breakfast. Would you mind ending the call? I'll just see you later at the camp." I told Neo.

"Yeah sure. I'll see you, Sydney." he said and the call ended.

I put my phone on the pocket attached to my apron. I glared immediately at Darius who was still struggling with getting something in the cabinet.

"Don't sneak up on me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I lectured Darius.

It was obvious that he wasn't listening. Darius is tall, but not enough to reach the highest section of the cabinet. I looked up and saw that he was trying to get the stock cereals. Did I run out of it already?

"I'm sorry, Miss Aronson. But can you please help me get that?" he asked and I sighed.

"Please step aside. I'll get that for you." I told him and Darius obediently stepped aside.

I got myself a chair to step on and went on top of it to reach the box of cereal. As I was about to grip on the box, my stomach felt like being stabbed again.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed and cupped my stomach.

Because of the sudden movement, the chair staggered and I lost balance. I was going to fall but it was the last of my concern. The pain is back again. Opposite from what I was expecting, Darius quickly prevented my fall and picked me up.

He was carrying me to the couch. He placed me slowly on top of the couch and I was also slowly losing consciousness. Not this again. I'm going to visit Neo. I can't faint right now.

"Miss Aronson? Please don't close your eyes." Darius said and I tried my best to do what he just told me.

Darius quickly placed his hands on top of my stomach. The familiar blinding brightness came which made me shut my eyes. It was the wrong choice I made because the moment I shut my eyes, I fell unconscious.

The next thing that I know, I was in my room. A blanket was spread on top of me. My eyes trailed the way to Darius who was sleeping on the right side of the bed. He was sitting on a chair and his upper body was sprawled on my bed.

He must have been exhausted. I read on the internet that witch-vampires can be exhausted after using too much magic. I guess he overworked his body while trying to help me. I'll go down and make something for Darius. He must be dead tired after the ruckus I created.

As I descend the stairs, I remembered Neo. Oh my goodness. It was already dark and when I looked at the clock by he living room, I frowned. Neo was expecting me to visit today. He must have been waiting for me. I got my phone from the living room and I saw tons of missed calls and texts from Neo.

I dialled his number and called him. I'm such a bad friend.

"Scary bear! Are you alright? Is something the matter?" he asked when he received the call.

"I'm sorry if I failed to visit Neo. Something came up." I explained and I heard Neo heaving a sigh.

"You should have called me, still. I was so worried about you, Sydney. I was even contemplating whether to leave the camp quickly and go check on you." he said and I felt so horrible.

"I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you and visit you tomorrow. I won't cancel the visit tomorrow. I promise." I bargained to Neo.

I'm sure as hell that he was worried. I told him I was visiting after lunch but it was already night and I haven't called or texted him anything. He is a worrywart and I made it even worse. I'm a bad friend. Really bad friend.

"Just don't go missing in action on me, Sydney. I don't want you getting into trouble." Neo stated and I smiled to myself.

"I promise. I will really visit you tomorrow, Neo." I told him to compensate for the trouble I made.

"Okay, I'll be expecting you tomorrow. No more reasons for you to go unreachable again. Make sure to keep your promise." he said.

"I promise. I'll end the call now, Neo. Bye." I said and did end the call.

After the call with Neo, I totally forgot about making something for Darius. All I was thinking was going back to bed. When I entered my room, Darius was still fast asleep. I didn't know that he sleeps at night. I thought vampires are nocturnal? Well it probably has something to do with him being a hybrid.

I slowly went back to my bed and tuck myself in. I smiled when I saw Darius. The moonlight hitting his face makes him more attractive. Darius during night time is a lot more ravishing than Darius in day time. I'll take note of that.

"I know I shouldn't be feeling this towards you...but I'm slowly getting interested." I mumbled to myself while looking at Darius.

This is bad. Very bad.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now