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"I'm currently getting ready to leave, Neo." I replied as I hurriedly look for any scrunchie.

Neo and I planned on buying school related materials today for the upcoming quarter. Unfortunately, I binge watched my favorite series last night and ended up oversleeping. I totally forgot about our plan for today. Curse this.

If not for Darius waking me up, I would still probably be in bed. I bit onto the scrunchie I found somewhere while getting my makeup bag. I put my phone down and tapped the loud speaker.

"It's obvious that you aren't ready to leave, Sydney. What's all the ruckus?" he asked and I frowned.

He must have heard from the other line the few noises I made from being in the flash mode. I can't stall time. Neo made it clear that we are going to meet up at exactly nine o'clock in the morning.

"Let's just meet before ten. I'll give you more time to get ready." Neo considerately adjusted to me.

"Okay. Before ten at the stationary store?" I repeated.

"Yes. Now go and prep up. I'll end the call now." he informed before my phone beeped.

I pulled my concealer out of my makeup bag and started applying it on my face. The bags under my eyes are practically waving at me from the mirror. It's so big and dark. When did it ended up like this?

"Ugh!" I groaned as another hair got stuck on my face.

This hair isn't helping me at all. They are being a nuisance. I got the scrunchie I found earlier. I was about to bundle my hair up to put it on a ponytail when I felt Darius's hands on my hair.

"Let me do it. You should go on and finish applying makeup, Miss Aronson." Darius said.

He started gathering my hair into his one hand. As he was gripping onto the bundle of hair on his hand, the other hand of him went to get the scrunchie I was holding.

I was stunned as I look at him from the mirror. What's this feeling? Why is my heart fluttering? This shouldn't flutter. But this is the first time that a guy helped me put up my hair into a ponytail. Why do I feel so loved right now?

"Miss Aronson? I'll get this from you." Darius stated as his hand slowly approach the scrunchie.

The moment his fingertip touched my hand, I felt an electrifying feeling from it that made my heart pound. My heart have never beaten this loudly from all my life.

"Miss Aronson? Are you okay?" Darius suddenly asked that pulled me back into reality.

"Yes?" I mindlessly asked as I blinked from the embarrassment.

"You were spacing out. Are you okay? You don't look too well." he asked and briefly made eye contact with me.

Even the mere eye contact sent a tingling sensation to me. What the hell is wrong with me today? Why am I swayed with these actions of Darius?

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking." I said and went back to applying makeup.

"That's good to hear, Miss Aronson. I'll be at my room. Have a great day." he informed and I nodded as a response.

Thankfully, I finished putting makeup in peace. Half nine, I was already to go. I walked my way to the bus stop and rode it to the store. Neo was already there when I arrived.

"What took you so long?" Neo asked with his frowning face.

"Sorry, I overslept. Where should we head first?" I asked because this place is huge.

It's like one whole street full of stores for school materials. This is where Neo and I usually go to before the quarter begins. We shop here all the time.

"Let's visit the bookstore first. I'll go and check if they have the book I'm looking for." he said and I nodded.

I might need new books too so we headed to the bookstore first. Neo said that we will probably spend a lot of time in this bookstore. After buying books that we need in here, we'll proceed to a nearby restaurant. It's his treat and that was music to my ears.

"Have you checked some companies to apply to?" Neo asked as we were scanning books.

"Not really. I'd like to take a short break before engaging myself to another set of world. A little rest won't hurt." I retorted.

It's been planned along time ago. I told myself that I'll go on a short trip to unwind. Maybe a month or so. Just a little reward for studying so hard. The initial plan was supposed to include my parents. Sadly, they aren't here anymore. So I'll just go and treat myself, I guess.

"Would you like me to tag along?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No thanks. It wouldn't be fun if you were there. I'd like to be independent at least once." I replied to Neo and got the book for my major subject.

"You have always been independent, Sydney. The strongest independent woman, I know." Neo complimented and I smiled upon hearing that.

"Thanks for that, Neo. Let's resume looking for books." I suggested because I don't want to talk about me again.

Neo and I spent a few more minutes on that aisle before we transferred onto the textbooks. I was busy looking for anything that my help me for my studies when Neo asked for a tissue.

"Can I please have some tissue?" Neo asked me.

He knows that I always bring a tissue in my bag. I don't know, it's just a habit I guess. I can't get rid of it and ended up doing it until now. Besides, tissues are so handy. They basically are lifesavers if put in the right situation.

"Wait. I'll just get it." I said and rummaged through my bag.

As I was clumsily rummaging through my bag, my lipstick fell out of the bag. I was about to pick it up when a hand reached for it. The person handed the lipstick to me.

"Thank you so---" my words were cut short when the person immediately passed by me.

My attention lingered on to the person. He was wearing an all black outfit. How can he even manage with those in this weather? It's summer for goodness' sake.

"Sydney?" Neo called and I kept looking at the guy.

When he turned around, my eyes grew bigger. I recognized who he was. Those pale looking skin and piercing glare.

"It's the weird guy from before." I mumbled to myself.

He was that weird guy who kept staring at me when I went to study at the library of the university late at night. He was that guy who looked weird and creepy.

I shook the thought of the weird guy off of my mind. Right, I haven't given Neo the tissue yet. When I was about to reach for Neo's hand to place the tissue, the pain on my stomach kicked again.

"Ah!" I screamed and almost fell if not for Neo who quickly caught me.

"Sydney? What's happening? Scary bear, are you okay?" he worriedly asked.

I was experiencing too much pain that I couldn't bring myself to answer him. All I can think of is suppressing the pain. And hopefully get rid of it. As the excruciating pain started increasing its intensity, my mind thought of one person.

"Darius..." I mumbled with heavy breathing before collapsing on Neo's arm.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now