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I gulped for a couple of times as the sound of Darius's ringtone resonated to my ears. He is not picking up the call. Is he busy? Is he doing something of utmost importance to completely forget his phone? Why now of all times?

"Please pick up..." I desperately mumbled to myself.

I'm having an internal breakdown right now. This is the first time that I'm experiencing this. How am I supposed to respond to this situation?

"Please pick up, Darius." I said and I halted when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Did he caught up to me? I believe that God has plans for all of us but I hope being kidnapped is not what he had planned for me.

"What do you need? Why are you following me?" I gathered all my courage to ask.

He didn't replied so I felt more nervous again. Why isn't he answering?

I counted from one to three and after that, I forcedly removed his hands and ran for my life. I can't just stand there waiting for him to kidnap me or whatever. I'm not that stupid to just welcome a dangerous situation to take place.

As I was running, I looked back for a second and saw a guy in an all black outfit running towards me. Why is he so fast? If this chase covers more than an hour, my legs would give up. I'm not athletic.

I took a turn to a corner to confuse the guy and took a quick break. But my decision must have been a bad choice because the moment I saw a shadow casts on the road, I knew I was damned.

"Ah!" I screamed when the shadow took a turn to where I was in.

As I was waiting for him to get me, I didn't feel any movement from him. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a different guy.

"Rover?" I asked as a familiar guy stood in front of me.

"Sydney? What are you doing here? This is opposite to where you live." he stated and looked at me worriedly.

Yes, it is Rover! The guy who likes me for a long time now. For the first time, I am thankful that I met him today.

"Please help me!" I begged and clung onto his arms.

"Woah! Woah! I don't want to get beaten up by Neo, Sydney." Rover refused and politely removed my hands on his arms.

"Then please...just please help me get home." I begged and tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Why...why are you crying, Sydney?" he worriedly asked and started panicking.

"Please...please don't leave me alone here." I begged Rover and tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"Holy shit. Sydney, what happened? Why are you crying?" he asked again and assisted me to stand up.

I just didn't care anymore if Rover was that guy who annoyed me the most because of his feelings for me. I didn't care if he was that super smitten boy who kept on shooting hearts in my direction. I'm just happy and relieved that he is here.

"There was this guy... he..." I trailed off as tears shot out of my eyes like canon balls.

"Calm down first, Sydney. Calm down, okay?" he said and helped me calm down.

When I got a grip of myself, I starred explaining to Rover what exactly happened to me and how I ended up in this neighborhood.

"A guy followed you? Where is Neo and why isn't he with you tonight?" Rover asked and I shook my head.

"He's at practice. He's the captain of the football team so I can't just go home with him today."

"Still, he should have checked on you. Let me call him and inform him about what happened." Rover announced and I was quick to stop him.

"No! Please, don't tell him about what happened today. Please, Rover." I asked him for a favor.

It's the football season and he needs to gear up properly for the games. If he was informed of what happened today, he would drop everything for me. I know him and I know he really will do it for me. Neo is that selfless and I can't keep him doing those things for me.

"Alright. I won't tell Neo, but we'll report this to the authorities." Rover offered a deal. 

"No, please. Just help me go home." I declined his offer to report to the police.

"What? But we should report it to the police, Sydney." he insisted.

"I'm not hurt, Rover. So there's no need to report it." I said and I saw how Rover's face darkened.

"Not because you are not hurt today doesn't mean that you won't be harmed by that guy. We don't know when he will strike again, Sydney. It's better to get precautionary measures than be sorry later on."

"Okay. Whatever you like." I answered and he nodded.

"Let's just stop by my house to get you something to drink." Rover offered and I couldn't disagree anymore.

All the energy that I had was lost due to the adrenaline of the chase I just got myself involved in. My heart is beating so hard even right now.

Rover was starting to walk when I stopped him. I still feel a bit unsafe right now.

"C..can I..." I stuttered.

I was just meaning to ask Rover if I could hold onto his jacket or something. I'd like to feel some reassurance that I'm not being tailed anymore. Just to make sure that I am with someone I know and that the guy who followed me a while ago won't come and get me in my most frail moments.

Rover looked at me and gave me a confused look. He was asking me a question with his eyes.

"Would you like to hold onto my jacket?" he was nice to ask the question even if I was the one who is supposed to ask that.

"Thank you." I muttered in a low voice.

I awkwardly gripped onto the hem of his jacket. Just enough space between my hand and his body. To be really honest, Rover and I are not in a relationship where I should be holding onto him. He was the guy I least liked in the university. His feelings towards me being known to everyone made it burdensome and uncomfortable for me. So I can never really treat him as a friend.

But it is much better with him here. At least I know that he wouldn't do or let anything bad happen to me. I know that and I am aware of it.

"My parents are at our house right now. Will you be okay if they see you? And if they did, can I tell them the truth about what happened to you?" Rover asked as we walked on the silent road.

"It's fine. You can tell them what happened. But please don't tell Neo." I repeated so that he wouldn't forget.

"I promise, Sydney. I won't tell Neo." Rover said and silence enveloped us again.

When Rover stopped, my feet stopped from walking too. A big modern house was standing strong in front of us. It must be there house.

"Come on, let's make you calm down a bit more before we head to the police station."

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now