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"Neo!" I exclaimed as I opened the door after a lot of trouble.

"Why do you look so flustered?" he asked after entering the house.

He went straight to the kitchen and put some home baked goods on my fridge. I also saw several ready to eat viands which are probably from her Mom.

"You can just reheat them before eating and they are good to go." Neo said as he put the last tupperware inside the fridge.

I was an unofficial part of his family. His mom really treats me like her daughter. I was like a daughter of hers who lives in dormitories. Aunty even cooks these viands for me to eat.

"You're sweating so much, Sydney. Don't tell me that you are coming down with a cold?" he asked as I sweat profusely.

"It's not that. I was upstairs when you arrived so I had to run down the stairs. You know that I'm not athletic." I reasoned out and laughed awkwardly.

"This is why I told you to exercise a bit. Mom's been wanting you to join her yoga classes. Why not take that one for starters?"

"I'll think about it. Will you stay for long?" I asked because Darius was still in the house as of the moment.

For every second that passes by with Neo still in here is every seconds that makes my nervousness rise. I'm so tense right now that I'm quite amazed with myself for still entertaining my guest which is Neo.

"I don't know. Do you want me to drive you to the university? I can drop you off before going home." he asked and I shook my head.

"I'm fine, Neo. You can go on your way if you're busy." I suggested and Neo squinted his eyes that made me nervous yet again.

I just stood there too like a pet cat being scolded by her owner which in my situation is symbolized by Neo.

"I can see that you cooked breakfast." he changed the topic and went to the table to look at the food.

"You can eat it if you want." I said and even offered the food to him.

I may be in a pickle right now but if Neo wants to eat some breakfast, he can. It's not like I can just tell him to scram. That'll be so rude of me.

"Toast? I thought you didn't like them?" he asked when he saw what was served in the table.

"Oh that? I just thought why not prepare toast for breakfast? It's been years since the last time I ate one anyway."I explained and I complimented myself when it went smoothly.

"They look nice but sadly, I already had my breakfast." he said and put the cover on the food again.

"Are you leaving already?" I asked because he was walking to towards the living room.

"Nah. Mom asked me to get the old speaker you had. Do you still have it?"

My whole system just suddenly went on freeze when he talked about speakers all of a sudden. What's with Neo and his diverse topics?

"Speaker? What old speaker?" I asked after regaining my composure.

"The one you had in your bedroom. That old gothic speaker which you got in a gothic store back then." he described and I finally remembered what speaker he was talking about.

"It's in my bedroom. I'll get it for you." I stated before getting ready to sprint away.

"Wait. That's a heavy speaker, Sydney. I'll just get it myself." he said after grabbing me by my elbow to stop me from leaving.

"What? No, I'll get it!" I defended because there's no way he can enter even the second floor.

"Nonsense. I'll pick it up." Neo argued and didn't wait for me to finish.

I bit my lip in frustration as I saw Neo finally entering the second floor. I immediately followed just in case something unexpected happens. I shadowed Neo while looking at every corner. I don't even know where Darius was hiding.

"Why are you walking like that? You look like a creep just now." Neo pointed out and I blinked for a few times.

"Oh? What did you just say?" I asked because I didn't quite followed what he said.

"Why are you so out of it today, Sydney? I told you how obsession over studying is bad for the health. You're finally tasting the bitterness of studying." he teased as the door to my room opened.

Neo was the first one to enter and he instantly went to the bookshelf where the speaker was located. While he was walking, I scanned my room and my eyes stopped at the door that connects to the walk in closet. The door was slightly opened and I saw Darius peeking.

I gasped to myself and ran to shield the door from Neo. He shouldn't get interested with this door. Neo is an unpredictable guy so I can't risk him giving attention to this door.

"Alexa called me yesterday. She said she's getting off from school after the exams." Neo said and I wasn't in a state to chitchat right now.

My mind was running with plenty of things. Everything's going around and around inside my brain that I lost focus with Neo. His remark didn't even register properly in my head. It's like it went in my right ear and went out of the other.

"Are you okay, Sydney? You're awfully quiet today." he left the speaker quickly and went to me to check my condition.

"I'm not sick. I'm just a little tired." I said as an excuse so that he won't come near the door to the closet.

"And too much tiredness leads to sickness. This is why I told you to stop pushing yourself. All you do is study and study." he said and I grimaced when he started nagging along.

"I know. I know. Stop nagging at me and just get that speaker." I said and waited until he finally picked up the speaker.

I wasn't that impolite to not open the door for him when he has full hands. The least I can do is help him get out of my house. Thankfully, Neo was really now going home.

"Really don't want me to drive you to the university? I can wait for you." he insisted but I rejected his offer again.

"It's fine. Be careful on your way." I said and waved my hands.

"I will. You should rest more. I'll get going now." he bid farewell and started driving the car.

Once I saw him leaving the house, I was now able to breath properly. That's enough adrenaline for today.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now