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"Are you okay?" Darius's voice asked.

Worry was written all over his face. I was so shocked from the near death experience I just had that I couldn't answer his question right away. Darius held my back and assisted me in standing up.

My knees went weak because of the accident and I almost fell down again. Thanks to Darius's fast reflexes, he caught my back and prevented me from falling. My eyes instantly fell on his face and I was surprised to see him up close. We were just inches from each other's faces.

"Can you hear me, Miss Aronson? Are you okay?" he repeated the question and I gulped before nodding.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Darius." I replied and held onto his shoulder for support.

"Where were you headed to, Miss Aronson?" he asked and I immediately remembered the errand I volunteered for.

"I was supposed to buy soft drinks at that convenience store." I replied and pointed at the store not far from us.

"Sit at that bench, Miss Aronson. I'll buy the drink for you." he offered but I waved my hands as a no.

"It's fine, Darius. I can manage." I said but my knees betrayed me again. I just felt now the scar I got from falling down and it was stinging.

"See? You are not yet okay. Sit here and wait for me." he said and pushed me down to the bench before running to the store.

I couldn't run after him because the wound was really stinging like crazy. I just sat down at the bench and waited for him to come back. He didn't take long before he arrived with the soft drinks and some other things.

"What are those for?" I asked because there was a separate plastic bag he was holding onto.

"Disinfectant." he simply replied before kneeling on the cold hard road.

"You didn't have to buy one, Darius." I said and looked at him as he got a cotton bud before putting disinfectant on it.

He started dabbing the disinfectant to the wound and I winched a little for every contact of the cotton bud to my wound.

"Is it painful?" he asked when I winched for the eight time.

"Not much. I can manage, Darius." I said and he continued without a word.

While watching him intently, I can't help but notice how attractive he was again. From my viewpoint, he looked extremely dashing. I don't know why but Darius was much more handsome during night time. Darkness complements him so well. He has a fair skin to start with anyway.

A little bit more seconds, I can feel the blush coming to my cheeks. The more I look at him, the more my heart beats like crazy. Do I like him already? I knew I always liked good looking guys but Darius was a different kind of good looking. He's out of this world in my eyes.

After finishing the disinfecting, he put a band aid on the wound perfectly. I smiled at him as a thank you before standing up.

"You don't live here, Miss Aronson. How come you're here?" he asked like a protective boyfriend and I just can't help but squeal a little from the idea I was making up in my mind.

Why am I thinking about this?

"How about you Darius? Your house is not here either. What are you doing here?" I teased but he seemed flustered with my question.

What is this? Why does it feel like he intentionally went here to follow me? Oh my goodness. What's up with me? Why do I keep making him my imaginary boyfriend?

"Kidding. I'm at Neo's house for a celebration. I'll get going then, Darius. I don't want to keep them from eating." I said because I have been out now for a while.

"Okay. Be careful on your way, Miss Aronson. Have a good night."

That was the last encounter I had with Darius and it's been a few days now. I haven't seen him these days. A week or so? Maybe I'm already smitten with Darius that I'm hoping to see him today.

I was in the university to take care of my transcript of grades. The enrollment for the next school year is fast approaching and I need to be advanced than the normal time.

Taking care of official documents together with the other students will be troublesome. So, getting the needed papers earlier than the set date is the best option for me.

"He must be busy. Why am I thinking of him again?" I asked myself and slapped myself to pull my sense back together.

I shouldn't think of him. I'm daydreaming again which is bad for me.

"Why did you call me again? I told you Mom asked me to look after the store for a while." Neo complained when I summoned him here again.

"You're just sitting around there anyway. Can you buy me some snacks? I think I'll be lining up for a few hours." I said and pouted to show him I was desperate for food.

"Why do I feel like I'm your slave now? Fine, I'll buy you some snacks." he said and heaved a sigh.

"Okay, Neo. Love you so much!" I exclaimed and he looked so disgusted with what I just uttered.

I couldn't help but giggle as I saw him shiver in disgust while walking away. After a few minutes, Neo came back with the snacks I asked for. It was a donut and a frappe.

"Should I wait for you to finish?" he asked as the gentleman he is.

"Nope. I'll be fine. Thank you for this! You can go back to the shop already." I said and Neo didn't think twice before leaving me in the university.

I didn't cared much though. It was fine because I got my transcript faster than I expected. I was able to start walking out of the campus at twelve in the afternoon. I waited for four hours just to get this small paper with my grades on it.

I even went here earlier than the said date of distribution but I still met a lot of students at the registrar. But comparing to the upcoming date of distribution, today was just a little amount. I'm sure it'll be outrageous on the official date.

Peacefully walking out of the gates, my feet suddenly stopped as my eyes caught a familiar figure of a guy. He was wearing such dandy clothes that I had a hard time guessing who he was.

"Do you have some free time, Miss Aronson? I'd like to eat lunch with you today."

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now