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I was at a one dollar store today trying to spend all my money again. This really can't be help. Whenever I am here, I just can't help but empty my wallet. All these one dollar worth of products just looks so enticing to my spender self.

"There are plenty more things on that aisle, Sydney." Neo informed in a sarcastic way and I just nodded my head without looking at him.

"An egg slicer? I've been wanting to buy this way back." I mumbled to myself when I found an interesting item which I always see on the internet.

"Egg slicer? You can just simply slice 'em with a knife. You don't need to buy that." Neo butted in and I rolled my eyes at his direction.

"Stop it. You were the one who insisted on coming here, Neo. Please refrain from stopping me on buying things."

"Which you don't need and will probably not use." he added and I glared at him with fury.

This is why I always come here alone. No interruption and no one to tell me not to buy things. Neo's a pain in the neck. Although he is very helpful whenever I go shopping, sometimes I just don't want to him to tag along.

"Well at least I don't spend your money for it. That's the bottom line, Neo." I pointed out.

"Okay, whatever you say. But keep in mind that we can't stay long." he suddenly said and I put down the item I was looking at to give him questioning eyes.

"Why can't we stay for long?" I asked with disappointment in my voice.

"Well first of all, Mom's already frantic of where we are. Second, I still have to escort my brother to the airport and I can't just leave you here." he replied and I pouted.

"But you can just leave me here if you aren't aware. I'm not a little kid anymore." I insisted and Neo gave me a firm no.

"I do have a hard time believing that but I'm afraid that I can't leave you, scary bear. Mom's gonna let me taste her wrath if she saw me entering the house alone."

"I'll just text her if you want. I'll stay here Neo. Pretty please?" I pleaded and he gave me a defeated look which made a grin crept unto my lips.

"Text her, okay? Make sure you text her or else." he warned and I nodded like an obedient pet.

"I'll text her. Don't worry about me too much and escort Neil to the airport." I was practically telling him to go already.

"Stay out of trouble, Sydney. Please be careful while I'm off to do some other things."

"I won't be in trouble. Besides, what can probably happen to me here at a one dollar store?" I assured because Neo looked so worried.

"Okay. I'll be leaving now. Keep your promise of staying out of trouble." he reminded and I smiled before waving my hands.

When Neo left, I resumed on shopping for anything interesting that I can see here in the store. Strangely, instead of getting hooked into girly stuffs and things, my eyes are always caught with things that'll be of help to the house.

This gives me a reality check that I'm no longer someone without responsibilities. All of the things that I'm into buying are things which my Mom would probably be buying right now.

That, if she was still alive.

"Are you ready to pay for these, Ma'am?" a saleslady asked and I was pulled from spacing out.

"Ah, yes. I'd like to pay now." I reiterated and pulled out my card.

Surprisingly, I only spent 30 dollars in the store. It's something I should be proud of because I usually spend some fortune in that store. I guess I got some self control now.

As I skipped happily on the streets, my eyes caught the yummy pizza parlor just across the street. It was almost lunch time anyway so I decided to eat there. I ordered myself some spinach pizza which Neo recommended to me last time. He was talking nonstop as to how it was super delicious and how the spinach was unnoticeable on the pizza. He said it just tasted like a cheesy pizza which it really did.

"Can I order a box of chicken wings? Please make it spicy." I ordered because I remembered that I haven't done any ready to cook viands at home.

"How many pieces, Ma'am?" the crew asked me.

"6 piece chicken wings and please put a sundae on the side." I said and the crew punched in the order.

Thankfully, my take out order didn't take long and I was able to chill on the nearby park afterwards. I put the things I bought on a bench and remained standing up. Neo always lectured me to not sit right after eating. He said that's how fat accumulates and makes our stomachs big. Unverified but whatever. I believe his words.

While standing up, I just busied myself in eating the sundae. After finishing it, I walked to the bins to discard the trash. I smiled after seeing the empty cup of sundae on the bin.

That was a great dessert.

Just as I was concluding for my day to be a good one, something, or someone came unexpected. His flowy black hair that glows as the sun hits it was the first I noticed. It was starting for the temperature to rise too so I noticed how his fashion was starting to fit in too.

As Darius slowly approached me, I realized that I failed to keep my promise to Neo. I failed to keep the promise of staying out of trouble.

"Can I talk to you, Miss Aronson?" he carefully asked while his eyes roamed my face.

He's probably deciphering if I was upset or if I was okay with him speaking to me.

"If we're gonna talk, can we please talk somewhere crowded? Like here?" I bravely asked.

There's no point in denying that I'm a little afraid of them now. They are vampires. No one knows if they will be sucking my blood out any time.

"That kind of hurts, Miss Aronson. But I'm afraid I cannot change your views of us." Darius stated and at that moment, I knew that he just read my mind.

"Can you please refrain on intruding my thoughts? I might not agree to talk with you anymore if you keep on doing that."

I sounded so courageous and cool while saying those but I'm trembling so bad in the inside. My whole system is shaking.

"Okay. I'll compromise to that so that I can talk to you." he replied and gave me a charming smile.

"What are we going to talk about anyway? Didn't you already reveal the answer to what I was curious about?"

Darius's smile then slowly faded and he had this unpleasant expression on his face. He heaved a sigh and stared at a distance. He brushed his hair backward before looking at me again.

"There's still one thing you should know. I'm sorry if I couldn't tell you about this earlier. I never had the chance."

Somehow, my instincts were telling me that this talk won't probably be about something good.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now