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I woke up fully energized from all the trouble from yesterday. The ruckus didn't take a toll to my body which was super surprising. Usually, after drinking too much the other night, I'll have a very awful hangover. Which I didn't get today.

"When did I got home?" I mumbled to myself as I rubbed my eyes aggressively.

I stretched my arms more and jumped out of bed to start my day. Thankfully, hangover didn't bring me a problem so I was able to cook for myself. I have been living alone for how many years now. Both of my parents died when I was 9 years old.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Neo called early in the morning to ask me how I was doing. It's a habit he always do every after partying. He knows how hangover screws me up every time.

"I didn't drink, remember?" he stated in a matter of fact.

"Right. Sorry about that." I replied and prepared my early breakfast quickly.

"You sure you're okay? We had a little bit of trouble last night. Don't you remember anything?" he asked which made my eyebrows meet each other.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" I asked curiously because I really don't remember anything.

"Nevermind. I'll see at the university later. Be careful on your way." he suddenly ended the conversation but I was fine with it.

"Okay, you too. Check on Alexa too. I bet she's going bonkers."

"Yeah, I will. Bye, Sydney." he bid farewell and I did the same before focusing on my breakfast.

I ate the sandwich I prepared and so as the coffee on the side. An hour and a half was left before the first bus going to the university will be arriving. It's fine, I don't prepare for long. Just a shower and I'm good to go.

While wearing my usual outfit, I went out of my parents' house and locked the gate. I won't be home until seven so I need to make sure that the house is safe. It's the least thing I want to be destroyed or ransacked by external forces. This house is the only thing owned by my parents and I want to keep the memories safe inside.

I walked the streets that has slowly changed as I grew up. Every corner holds a memory of my life which I treasure so. This is the reason why I could never leave my parents house. It's just too precious to let go.

As a bus pulls over the station, I held onto my bag pack tighter and wait for it. I entered the bus and sat on my usual seat by the window. The route to the university doesn't take that long. It's just about twenty to thirty minutes.

"Scary bear!" somebody shouted when I stepped out of the bus.

"Hey!" I shouted back and waved my hands happily.

Alexa ran like a kid going to her mom after not seeing her for how many years. With that grin on her face and her hands in the air, she could pass as one.

"Alexa, does your head hurts?" I asked, concerned with her.

Just like me, Alexa is a favorite of hangovers. They always come to visit after drinking. But compared to mine, she was much worse. Sometimes, she would skip school just to get rid of her hangover.

"A little intoxicated but I can manage. You?" she asked and hugged my arm.

"I'm fine. Which was strange because I didn't got a hangover." I informed and told her that the moment my eyes shot open, I felt fine.

"Good for you then. I had to slurp up several spicy soups to finally remove the hangover." she pouted while probably reminiscing what she had to go through in the morning.

"It's Thursday today, Alexa. I thought your class starts at 11 during Thursdays?"

"Research. Danny has been bugging me to the bones. She's telling me to contribute to the research."

"Wasn't your defense scheduled yesterday? That's why we agreed to party." I pointed out.

I may like partying but there is still a limit. We have a rule to finish school related stuffs first before going crazy at parties. We're still students anyway so we have to keep control over our hobbies.

"It was rescheduled next week. Professor Beck had a one week break from the university so we had to reschedule."

"Poor you. Get going to your meet up place already. You don't want to see Danny flaring in rage." I warned and Alexa glared at me.

"You're so mean, Sydney. I'll see you around then! Bye bye!" she cheerfully waved her hands before running.

I giggled as I saw how she ran like a kid. Alexa's a college student but she doesn't act like one. She's too cute and charming.

After Alexa disappeared from my sight, I also went on my way. I'll swing by the library to collect data. I was assigned on our literature class to give a brief introduction to our new lesson. I need to read books related to the topic so that I can give a proper introduction to my fellow students.

I was busy looking for the proper books that I would be needing when I overheard a conversation of some other students. The other side of the shelf I was looking at are the novel books. There were two students murmuring about on the other side.

"I'm telling you, they are real." the blonde girl said with a serious expression on her face.

"What? Vampires? Tell me about it when crows turn white." the other one replied.

"Crows can turn white for your information. If they have albinism it is possible." On the contrary to what I was expecting, the blonde girl defended a strange claim.

But it made sense. If they really have albinism crows can really turn white. Great reasoning and I like how she presented the idea.

"Anyway, I heard from my sister that there are victims of vampires on the street next to the university. They said people were strangely dying from an unknown cause. The one thing those dead people have in common are bite marks on their necks that are the same as those from a snake."

"Aren't vampire bites like those too?" the other girl seemed convince now about what the blonde girl had said.

"Exactly! That's my point. Vampires are real."

Their conversation went on and on. I decided to ignore them and get the books that I went here for. After collecting several books that I'll be reading, I left the two girls by the novels section.

People nowadays believes in nonsense too much. Vampires can never be real. They're just fictional creatures.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now