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"Excuse me? Were you looking for me?" I asked the hot guy in front of me as I sluggishly approached him.

How can someone so hot like him know me? And even look for me?

"Get in." he ordered with his very charming deep voice.

My eyes closed and opened as I watch him walk so elegantly to the driver's seat. He entered his super luxurious car and I was stuck on my place. He wants me to get inside this expensive car? For what reason?

"I'm not planning to do anything bad. Here, for assurance." he said and extended his arms to give me his phone and wallet.

"What am I going to do with that?" I asked and he stared at me.

"For assurance, that I won't do anything bad to you." he stated as he placed the phone and wallet on my hand.

I gulped awkwardly and gripped his belongings before entering the back seat of his car. As I was about to sit down, I felt the guy staring again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked bravely despite the nervousness I was feeling.

"Seat here in front. I don't want to look like a chauffeur." he said and I looked at him in disbelief before obeying what he said.

I walked straight to the passenger seat and wore the seatbelt. I moved a little bit closer to the door as my eyes remained on the guy. He didn't seem to be bothered with me being careful round him.

"Are you okay with some coffee?" he asked as the car roared.

"C-coffee? For what?" I queried.

Why does he want to have coffee? And who the hell is he?

"We should at least talk over a meal. It's just mid afternoon so coffee it is." he nonchalantly answered and drove the car out of the campus.

"May I ask who..." I hesitantly uttered as I stared at him.

I can clearly see his almost perfect side profile. That oozing charisma just don't run out. His perfect jawline catches your attention and makes you stare a bit more. What did I do to deserve someone as hot as him to look for me?

"You can ask me comfortably. No need to be so tensed." he said and flashed a charming smirk all girls would probably love.

I didn't respond to what he said and just stared at him as long as I can. Sure, he's drop dead gorgeous which I can't refute but I also can't trust him so easily. I just met him a few minutes ago.

He must have felt my eyes on him and glanced to my direction which caught me off guard. I almost dropped his phone out of surprise.

"I won't be using this car if I were to kidnap you, will I?" he reasoned out and I was a little bit annoyed that it made sense.

"What if this is the modern way of kidnapping? How can I be sure that you aren't kidnapping me?" I squinted my eyes in an attempt to look intimidating but to no avail.

"Well first of all, we arrived at the cafe. Second, you're not a kid anymore." he said and gave me a smirk which made my blood rise just a little bit.

What's the deal with this guy? How can he be so annoying and attractive at the same time? The fact that I see him as a hot guy makes me more annoyed.

"Aren't you getting down? I can't talk with you if you stay here in my car." he said when I didn't budge and remained seated.

"Patience?" I reminded him and was about to get out when he suddenly opened the door for me.

That made my heart skip a beat and I bit my lip to prevent the blush that wanted to show.

"I can open the door by myself. There's no need to open it for me." I said and went out in an arrogant but elegant way.

I'm not going to break my composure in here. Not in front of this guy. I glanced at him smiling at me before turning my back and entering the cafe.

"One frappe please and a waffle." I ordered at the counter.

"How would you like to pay, Ma'am? By cash or by card?" the girl asked and I was about to pull my card out when I saw the guy entering.

I smirked to myself and put back my card inside my wallet. I flipped my hair exaggeratedly and leaned on the counter like a queen. I tilted my head to the guy's direction and smiled.

"He's paying for my order. I'll be waiting." I said and walked away to finally sit on a chair.

My eyes landed on the guy standing by the counter. The girl must have told him that he was paying for my order when he glanced at me quickly and smiled. I saw how he pulled out a black card which made me stare intently at it.

He even has a black card? Well, a lot of people has one nowadays but it's still amusing every time you actually meet a person with a black card. I don't know, I just think it screams rich too much. It gives off an aura that I can never even reach in this lifetime.

"Don't stare at my card like you want to swallow it as a whole." the guy said as he pulled a chair to sit on.

"I wasn't staring." I denied and he chuckled softly which caught my attention.

He's rich, so handsome, a gentleman, and now even his chuckle is attractive? God's really unfair in creating people. How come he created me as shabby like this? He could've at least given me money if he created me this ugly. How come I'm just ugly and penniless? That's so unfair.

"Let's just say I believe what you just said." he said and pulled something out of his expensive looking coat.

He placed it on top of the table and my brows creased as I saw my university ID with him. I looked at him in bewilderment and my eyes were asking for an explanation. Why does he have this? Is he a thief? Didn't know thieves were this handsome nowadays.

"I can clearly read your expression, Miss Aronson. I'm not a thief." he said and I gasped as he muttered what I was just thinking about him.

"Kidnapper?" I asked and his soft chuckle followed.

"I told you I wasn't a kidnapper." he replied.

"Then you must be a scammer." I strongly exclaimed and he gave me a smirk.

"First, let's put down that finger and seat properly, Miss Aronson. I'd like to talk with you seriously."

After saying that, he held my hands that was pointing at him. For some unknown reason, when his hand touched mine, I felt a strong surge of unexplainable emotions rushing in. It was as if getting hit by a thunder. As he slowly put my finger down, my eyes settled on him again. He was like a paper where my eyes got glued at.

"I'm Darius. Nice meeting you Miss Aronson." 

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now