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"Hey, Sydney." a familiar voice called and I turned around to look at who it was.

My eyes grew wide when I saw Rover. I blinked for a few times before putting on an awkward smile.

"Rover, nice to see you." I awkwardly greeted and he smiled.

"Nice to see you too, Sydney. Are you alright?" he asked and I understood right away what his question was.

He must be pertaining to what happened last night. It wasn't really the best night for the both of us. I got chased by a stranger and he got untangled with it. I felt bad for him because he had to drive me all the way to the station.

"I'm okay, Rover. And I want to thank you once again." I said because I was really grateful for his help.

If not for him, I would have been somewhere with that strange guy who kept on following me. Rover was the unexpected hero that night. And I am more than thankful for that.

"Why are you at the university? You should have stayed at home to rest." he said and I shook my head.

"I had to pass these to my professors. I don't want to fail, you know." I said and we both let out a small laugh.

"I still have classes. I'll get going now, Sydney. Please be careful on your way home. Don't stay out until late at night." he reminded like how fathers would.

"I won't stay out until night. I'm just going to pass these and go home right away." I assured him and Rover smiled.

"Okay then. See you around." he said and waved his hands goodbye.

I smiled at him before going to the office of the last professor I needed to pass an output to. After passing it successfully, I passed by the field to see if Neo was there.

He was busy practicing and I just told one of his teammates, that I passed by. I don't want him to see me today. i jist can't face him after deciding to keep something a secret. I just feel guilty somehow.

After seeing him doing great at practice, I just went on my way to the bus stop. The bus came quickly and I was rrlieved for that. It's bright as day but you don't know when danger might come. So it was relieving when I got inside the bus in one piece.

The ride home didn't took so long and I was able to go home before lunch time. I came home with Darius who was in the kitchen cooking. When I see him, it dawned into me.

Right. I still have to talk to him.

"You're home, Miss Aronson." Darius welcomed and I nodded.

"Yes, I just passed some requirements and went straight home. Are you cooking lunch?" I asked because he was busy tying the apron.

"Yes, Miss Aronson. Would you like me to include you?" he offered.

"If it's not a problem to you." I reiterated and went upstairs to put my things back to my room.

When I finished changing my clothes, I went down and saw Darius just finished cooking our lunch.

I gulped before approaching him It's now or never for me.

"Can we talk?" I cautiously asked Darius as I walk on eggshells around him.

"Of course, Miss Aronson. What is it you want to talk about?" Darius quickly responded and I was taken aback.

Now that he seems to be more closer to me, he isn't hesitant in talking with me anymore. That's a good thing but I still can't fully adjust to it.

"Let's talk in the living room, Darius." I told him and I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

From my peripheral view, Darius followed and sat down on the couch in front of me. I quickly shifted my gaze to somewhere, making it all awkward for myself.

"What are we going to talk about, Miss Aronson?" he asked and I gulped.

"I want to be straightforward with you, Darius. And I will be super honest so I hope you will be honest too." I reminded him because I don't to be fed lies anymore.

Darla and him had been keeping things from me which I should have known. I don't want to ve kept in the dark anymore. Not when they have become significant people in my life now.

"I heard what you and Darla talked about last night." I dropped the information and shut my eyes before breathing in and out.

I looked at Darius and studied his expression. His beaming and cheerful face suddenly went grim. He got this very serious facial expression on and I don't know if I should feel bad about it.

"I suppose, you probably know by now why I wanted this talk with you. Right?" even if my hands were shaking in nervousness, I still managed to continue the conversation.

"I'm sorry, Miss Aronson." he finally talked.

"What are you sorry for, Darius? That's what I want you to tell me." I stated because I can't just blindly accept his apology when I don't even know what he did.

So what really happened? What is the secret that they kept hidden from me? What's so difficult in informing me and telling me everything?

"You know about the random pains you feel, Miss Aronson?" he brought up.

"Of course I know. How can I forget? It was due to the blood that I ingested." I continued.

"And the reason why I am staying here?" he asked again and my brows creased.

"Yes, I remember. I allowed you to stay with the condition that you'll help me find the cure to this pains."

"I'll be honest with you, Miss Aronson. And I'll apologize first and foremost." he said that made my heart cartwheel into anxiousness.

"Why are you apologizing? Is it something that will make me mad or upset at you?" I asked because I really didn't know what to do now.

I initiated this conversation but I feel like leaving it hanging now. Am I really ready to hear his answer? That was the question that I never considered before asking him.

"Truth to be told, I had always known the cure to that Miss Aronson. Even before I met you, I already am aware of the cure to those pains."

"You...already knew?" I repeated and Darius looked so apologetic that made it even worse.

If he already knew, why did he kept it from me? Why did he suggested living together when he could have told me the cure the first time he knew that I had these pain going on in me? Why do I feel so betrayed right now?

"I'm sincerely sorry, Miss Aronson. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't find the timing."

Timing? It shouldn't be something to worry about when I was here suffering from an unknown pain that even doctors cannot even diagnose. How do I bring myself to understand when I am hurt and felt betrayed?

"Please leave me alone, Darius." that was the only thing I could say to him right now.

"I'll do as you say, Miss Aronson. I'll be waiting for your call." he said and went straight of my house.

When I heard the door closing, I felt my whole body collapsing. It was yet another shocking event for today, huh?

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now