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"Miss Aronson?" Darius's voice registered to my ears.

My eyes grew wide and I turned around to see Darius. His looking dashing as ever. How can he even look so handsome to my eyes even at times like this?

"Darius?" I mumbled as he walked towards me.

"Are you Miss Aronson's guardian, Sir?" the police man asked and Darius looked at him.

I immediately stood up and went near to Darius. I clung into his arm to let the police man know that he is someone that I know or am acquainted to. When the police man saw what I did, a smile quickly appeared on his lips.

"You can bring her back home, Sir. She must be tired now." the police man asked and didn't ask Darius anymore.

"Thank you for your service, Sir. I brought coffee for you and the others. Thank you for working hard for the country." Darius said and handed some to the police man.

"No worries, Sir. Have a good night." the policeman said and he let us leave the station.

As we leave the station and pass through the door, I stopped on my tracks. Looked around and got anxious again.

"Can I hold your hand, Miss Aronson?" Darius asked as I was trembling a little.

I just made eye contact with him and don't respond to the question. Whether I want it or I don't, I just need this anxiousness to pass. It's going to torment me if someone doesn't help.

"I'll take that glimpse as a yes, Miss Aronson." he informed and his hands slowly and carefully founds its way into mine.

He was holding me so delicately. Like he was afraid that he'll break me if he holds on too strong. Darius's grip was enough to tell me that I'm okay now. I'm with him.

There's nothing that I should be afraid about.

And that's what I want my body to feel. That my safety is guaranteed and no creepy guy would be following me from behind anymore.

"Your hands are trembling so much." Darius mumbled and I looked at him.

"I'm sorry." I reiterated and tried taking my hand away from him.

I was going to remove my hand because I thought it was making him uncomfortable. He pointed it out so I guess he wanted me to remove it. However, his hands remained holding mine. He refused to let go.

"I only made that remark to inform you that your hands were shaking. I'll hold it, Miss Aronson. I won't let go." he said

We stayed there standing by the police station entrance while we was holding my hands. It was meant to help me calm down. I need this more than anything right now. Just the assurance is enough to help me calm down.

"Shall we go now?" Darius queried and I nodded right away.

My body is asking for the warmth of home. Once we arrive, I want to sleep and forget all the trouble that happened today.

Darius opened the car door for me and I quickly wore the seatbelt. Darius walked around the car and entered the driver's seat.

"We can pass by a convenience store if you'd like to, Miss Aronson. Are you hungry?" he asked.

Thinking about it, it's already way past my dinner time. I haven't had at least one bite of food. My stomach is probably empty now but it's not yet complaining. Well maybe not to the point that it will be roaring.

"Can we just get some takeout food and go home?" I bargained and Darius nodded right away.

"Sure, Miss Aronson. Do you want some fastfood? We can go get drive thru."

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now