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I slowly opened my eyes, regaining consciousness. As my eyesight adjusted to the light, I couldn't help but blink a few times.

"Sydney? You're awake." Neo mumbled who just woke up on the chair beside my bed.

"What time is it, Neo?" I asked as I tried to move out of bed.

"It's seven o'clock in the morning. Don't leave your bed. You should rest for a bit more." he said and pushed me back to bed.

"But I need to cook us some breakfast, Neo. And I need to clean the house." I told him because I remembered that today is my general cleaning scheduled on.

"I'll take care of those, Sydney. Just lay down in your bed and rest. The doctor said it might be because of stress." Neo informed me.

"Doctor? You didn't have to go that far, Neo. I'm totally fine." I told him.

This problem I am dealing with cannot be determined by science. Doctors aren't what I need right now. Besides, they'll only see that my body is normal. Nothing unusual.

Darius told me back then that even if I consult a medical professional, they'll only see me as fine as I can be. He said that vampire's blood cannot be detected by any of these human apparatus we have in this world. It's something only Darius can deal with. Speaking of Darius, I wonder if he is at home.

"Then at least let me go downstairs. I don't want to be stuck here in bed." I said because I need to check the room where Darius is.

"Okay. I'll let you stay on the living room while I cook us up some breakfast." Neo agreed.

I stood up and went out of bed. Just when I was about to walk out of the room, Neo held my elbows. I stared at him and raised an eyebrow.

"It's okay, Neo. You don't have to assist me. I usually function properly after the trouble. Don't worry about me." I told him and Neo's expression became grim.

Did I say something bad? What were the words I spouted just now? Why is he suddenly looking at me with that expression?

"Since when did this happen, Sydney? You didn't even bother telling me." Neo said with a hurt tone.

"It started not too long ago, Neo. And just like what the doctor said, it may be just because of stress." I tried to ease him up.

"You should have at least rang me up and informed me about your condition." Neo pointed out and I felt guilty.

I know that he meant good. I'm a really bad friend for making him feel this way. As someone who has been with me for so long, the least I could have done was tell him these kind of things.

"It's not too serious, Neo. But I promise to tell you about things like this in the future." I replied while we were both ascending the stairs.

"You should be." he said and went straight to the kitchen to stir us up some breakfast.

"What are you going to cook?" I asked because I can't seem to remember what I have in store.

I can't remember what I have in stock right now. The frequent fainting must have taken a toll on my brain. I'm a little light headed right now too.

"Just some soup to make you feel better. Would you like anything more?" he asked and I shook my head.

I don't really have the appetite. While I was sitting on the living room, my eyes wandered to the guest room by the kitchen. Is Darius home? I hope he doesn't go out or we will be both doomed. I can't afford Neo finding out about my little secret. He might get the wrong idea and I would want to spare myself from all the nagging.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now