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"I'm almost out of stock so this is the only thing I can cook for you." Mister Darius said after placing a plate of steak in front of me

No stock? Even if I have a full stock at home, I won't have steak in it. So this is what's inside a rich person's 'almost out of stock' kitchen. Fancy me.

"I'll have the beef tartare. Can you please get me that instead of a steak?" Darla asked as she saw the plate that was in front of me.

"I was going to get you that anyway. Wait a minute, I'll get it." he replied to Darla and went back to the kitchen.

Unintentionally, my eyes landed on his retreating back. His back was so sexy that it felt even more unfair for a low class human like me. He even has a pretty lady as a sister. I wish I'll be reincarnated with the same ingredients God used to create them. I should at least live as a rich girl in my next life when I'm this shabby.

"You should eat first, Sydney. No need to wait for me." Darla said and flashed a smile.

Now that I see her smiling face, she kind of resembles Mr. Darius. They both have the same smiles which I'll conclude that are from their genes. Lucky them.

"How old are you, Sydney?" Darla asked as I took my first bite from the steak.

"I'm 22. You?" I asked back because I was curious of how old Darla was.

She doesn't seem like a teenager to my eyes and she also doesn't look to old. I want to know the exact digits on her age.

"Me? I'm thirty thousand----" she suddenly didn't finished her sentence and my forehead creased because of that.

Darla smiled at me and I did the same. Why did she stop? Does she not want people to know her age? I mean, there are other people who doesn't really like others knowing how old they are.

"I'm thirty five." she replied and I smiled at that.

"Thirty five? You don't look like your age, Darla. You can even pass as a high school student." I complimented and I smiled when I saw Darla being flattered with it.

"I kind of hear that a lot from people. No need to mention but thanks." she stated and her eyes glowed when her food was finally served to her.

"What were you two talking about?" Mister Darius asked with such a serious expression.

Why is he so serious?

"She just asked me how old I was. Nothing much other than that." Darla replied and started devouring the tartare.

"Darla doesn't look like her age, Mister Darius. How about you? How old are you?" I casually asked as I started eating the other half of the steak.

"Me? Age?" Mister Darius repeated my question and I nodded at him.

"Yes, Mister Darius. Your age. How old are you?" I asked and he stared at me for too long that I felt like I just said something wrong.

"Why are you calling me Mister Darius while you call Darla as Darla?" he asked as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Well, you look so mature and I think Mister Darius will suit you better." I explained carefully as I eye his expression.

"You can just call me Darius. And I'm younger than her." he said and pointed at Darla before zooming back to the kitchen.

"Look at him throwing tantrums. He even told me that he lived more mature than me." Darla mumbled beside me but I only heard gibberish sounds.

"What did you just said, Darla?" I asked because I couldn't catch on.

"What? It's nothing. Finish your food Sydney." she said and took the last piece of beef tartare on her plate.

I was left in the dining room alone because Darla said she'll be in her room quickly. She told me she will drive me back to my house because it was already dark outside.

"I can just take a cab." I tried to not take the offer.

"There are no cabs that come here at night, Sydney. You should just let me drive you back." she said and I just nodded.

"Okay if you insist." I replied and Darla smiled at me.

"Finish your steak and I'll go get changed in my room." she stated and that's how I was left in the dining room alone.

When I was left alone, the whole mansion felt so empty. I don't think Darla lives here in the mansion. She probably lives apart from Darius. I can imagine how stuffy and suffocating it is to live here alone. How can Darius even live here by himself?

After finishing the steak Darius served, I quickly put it in the sink and washed it clean. His kitchen was so organized and clean that I had a hard time convincing myself that the owner of this house was a guy. Now that I see it, Darius is very well organized.

Everything in this mansion was well placed and constructed. I like how the living room was symmetrical and not too overwhelming. It just feels right between luxurious and friendly. The paintings on the walls are well picked too. Darius must have picked them himself.

Time was slowly passing by and I was getting a little bored. Darla was taking too much time in getting changed too so I decided to fetch her. I have been at the second floor so I might get the room right. I went up the grand staircase and the same second floor met my eyes.

I walked slowly and slowly into the hallway before being put into a crisis. The hallway splits into left and right. I don't know which way to go so I played something to decide. I spun around with my eyes close and my right arm extended. When I stopped, I was pointing more to the left.

"Left it is." I mumbled and started walking to the left side.

As I slowly get farther and farther away, the hallway gets darker too. While walking, some black clothing on the wall caught my eyes. There were tons of hanging black clothing on the wall. I approached one and started lifting the clothing.

I was so near in seeing what was behind when suddenly, my phone rang. I panicked when my ringtone roared loudly in the hallways. I retreated fast away from the hallway and went down quickly. I sighed in relief when I finally put my phone in silent. Neo had called and I bit my lip when I just had a bad premonition.

"There you are!" Darla suddenly shouted that made me shocked to the core.

"Can we go home now, Darla? My friend's looking for me." I stated as I read the text from Neo.

Darla nodded to what I just said and she led the way out of the mansion. Before I can even fully exit the mansion, something pulled my attention to the overlooking second floor.

Why do I feel something bad will soon happen to me? Is this an omen or what?

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now