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"Are you not going to say it? If you're not, then I'd like to be left alone." I told Darius as he walks back and forth in front of me.

"I'm sorry, just a few more minutes. I'll just gather my thoughts quickly." Darius retorted and I sighed before plopping down on the bench.

What in the world is he going to say? He looks so tensed and nervous. It's probably about something bad. It would be so easy for him to deliver some good news to me. So, it's obvious that this talk is about something not so good.

As I was staring at Darius who seemed to be a little restless, a thought came up to my mind. I already know that he was a vampire, scratch that, a hybrid. So how can he walk under the sun if he was a vampire or whatever he is? Shouldn't vampires be allergic of the sun? It's one of their weaknesses.

"Darius, I have a question." I couldn't help myself but blurt that out.

Darius stopped on his track and faced me. He looked at my face and I made sure to think about something else. He may be reading my mind. I don't like him intruding my thoughts.

"You should tell that to me personally, Miss Aronson. It's bad keeping your complaints to yourself." he mumbled and my eyes glared at him quickly.

"You just told me that you won't read my mind." I pointed out and he smiled.

"Yes, I did. I did tell you that Miss Aronson." he replied with that smile.

"But you did it just now!" I accused and his eyes widened.

"Oh. My apologies, Miss Aronson. It's just, it naturally happens. I'll try to refrain from doing it when I'm with you, Miss Aronson." he pledged and my brows shot upwards.

He'll refrain from doing it when he is with me? Why would he be with me? He is not planning on appearing and staying in my life, right? I don't want anything to do with them anymore. Why should we still see each other?

"What do you mean with the last sentence? Are we going to see each other frequently?" I asked because I don't want to jump into conclusions.

"That's what I am here for, Miss Aronson." he said and shamelessly sat beside me.

I moved a few inches away from him and Darius immediately noticed how I avoided him. I saw from my peripheral view how he smiled sadly when I moved away. I sighed to myself and move back to my original seat. Nearer to Darius.

"So what is this thing you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

"It's about the occasional pain you are experiencing. I believe that it is connected to me." he informed and I squinted my eyes towards him.

"How is it connected to you?" I asked because I couldn't decipher how he can be connected to it. Unless he cursed me with some black magic.

"Do you remember when you and your friends went out for a drink?" he asked and I gave him an 'unbelievable' look.

"We went out for tons of times for a drink, Darius. I believe I don't remember every single one of them."

It was pointless to even look back to our drinking escapades. We are party people and where there is a party, we will be there. That's actually how my college life can be sum up.

"Do you at least remember, when you and your friends' car died down. You went somewhere to ease your thirst, didn't you?" Darius asked and a flash back suddenly happened.

I can vaguely remember that particular scene Darius said. It was when I was drunk and my mouth was too dry. I can remember that I went out of the car and came looking for water, which I eventually found one.

"I can remember some bits of the scenario, Darius. But what about it?" I asked because I don't remember anything significant on that day.

"The water you drank. It's something which belongs to me, Miss Aronson." Darius said which such serious expression.

"And is that a bad thing?" I carefully queried and Darius sighed.

"Unfortunately, it was something you shouldn't have ingested. And now it is roaming around your body like a bacteria, which is causing those pain."

"So you mean, I drank something bad and it is now taking a toll on me? What kind of drink is it? Is it something bad for humans?" I asked with full worry for myself.

I was drunk that time. I wasn't even thinking when I just went out of the car and searched for some water to drink. I don't even remember the drink anymore. What was it that I drank? It's probably something for Darius to drink and is not meant for humans.

"I can't say that it was entirely bad for humans but it wasn't really meant to be drank by human beings." Darius pointed out and my mind just went berserk.

"T-t-then what will happen to me? How do I get rid of this? Is there some way to get rid of the drink I just ingested?" I asked because listening from his words, it seems to be a serious matter.

"First of all, I'm now looking for the answer. And there is something I want to propose to you, Miss Aronson." he pointed out.

"But what was the drink? Why is it so bad for me?" I asked because I have drank a lot of different beverages.

I may experience vomiting from several alcohols but this is my first time encountering having serious problems after drinking something.

"Do you really want to know what it is?" Darius asked.

Goodness gracious. Why is he making it sound so bad? Is it something worth knowing? Judging from his expression, it may be something flabbergasting for my human self.

"Yes. I mean no... but should I know what it is? Or am I going to be okay without knowing it?"

"I prefer you knowing it now than later. At least it won't bug you anymore." he answered which actually made sense.

"If you say so. What was the drink, Darius?" I asked bravely without much thought.

"Well, it may be a little unpleasant. Especially when you just ate food." he said and that made me stare at Darius.

"Seriously. Are you going to say it or not?" I asked and he glanced at me before looking at the distance.

"Blood, Miss Aronson. It was blood." he quickly muttered and I felt a huge stone falling on me.

"B-b-blood? What do you m-mean?" I stuttered with that.

"It was my blood, Miss Aronson. You drank it and unfortunately, you are experiencing side effects from it. Vampire blood doesn't mix in with human blood. It'll just float around inside your body and may remain forever."

"So the pain will never go away?" I asked because the pain was excruciating to be honest.

I'm good as dead than experiencing that pain again. And it has a lot of different intensities. Sometimes it is mild, sometimes it is horrible.

"That's why I wanted to suggest you something. We can do my idea while I search for any cure or solution."

"What's that idea of yours, Darius? I can probably try it if it means, you finding the cure." I encouraged.

"Let's live together, Miss Aronson. That way, I can check up on you 24/7. I'm the only one who can appease the pain."

"What are you saying?" I asked Darius.

Am I hearing this right? He really is suggesting this to a college student right?

"Let's live together, Miss Aronson. You and me under one roof." he said and I struck with shock.

What the hell?

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now