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"Hey, are you going to watch the first match this season?" my block mate asked while I was busy putting my things back into my bag.

"Yes. I'm going to support Neo and his team." I replied.

Today is the first match for the season. Neo and his teammates have been practicing hard for this and I will be watching their game this afternoon. I noticed how a lot of students int he university was wearing the shirt that had our university's name on it. It's the shirt made just for the football matches that will happen this academic year.

"Are you going straight there? Or will Neo reserve a seat for you?" my block mate asked again.

"There will be reserved seats for our university. Don't worry because we'll all get to sit." I assured.

"Really? That's great to know because we might arrive late. Thank you, Sydney." she said and I smiled as an answer.

They all hurriedly walked out of the room to probably have their lunch. The university is so busy for the football match. We are hosting the first game anyway so it was a lot of pressure.

I decided to just grab some take out lunch and headed straight to where the game will be held. I just need to make sure that Neo won't be too nervous. I'm heading there earlier as moral support for him.

"Good noon, Coach." I greeted the football team's coach when I saw him by the entrance.

"Sydney! Are you here for the game? You're a little early." Coach said and I smiled.

"I'll just eat lunch here. Are they already inside?" I asked.

"Yes, they are all in there. You can just stride inside." he stated and I smiled.

"Thanks, Coach. I'll see you later." I said and walked inside.

By the benches for the players, I saw Neo and his teammates. I instantly smiled as I saw him doing some stretching.

"Nicholas, stretch it more!" Neo commanded and I couldn't help but giggle a little.

He's really different whenever he's in captain mode. He is super strict and serious.

"Let's do a little break." he ordered when he saw me approaching.

"Hey, are you doing fine?" I asked and handed him a towel.

"Nervous but I'll get over it. You're here early." he said and I nodded.

"I decided to eat lunch here. Have you had lunch yet?" I asked because I don't want them going in the game with an empty stomach.

"We stuffed ourselves over an hour ago. You can eat by the coach's sit. They have a table there." he said and pointed to where it was.

"Okay. I'll just be there. You can continue your warm up exercises." I suggested and went to the table to eat lunch.

"Is that your lunch? That's all?" Neo asked in disbelief.

"My stomach capacity is not like yours, Neo. I'm fine with just this amount of food." I retorted and rolled my eyes.

He's nagging again. If not for me worrying about his mental state before the game, I wouldn't have eaten lunch here. I'm his unofficial mental coach. I make sure that he won't have a breakdown before, during, and after the game.

"Coach is asking for you, Captain. He said stop nitpicking on Sydney again." his teammate said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Stop laughing, Sydney. I'll be back." he warned and that made me laugh louder.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now