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I stretched my arms and groaned as I finally released all the numbness I was feeling. It's exam week again and I just finished half of my tests today. Instead of going home, I chose to stay in the library.

I even brought my own lamp to give me light. I'll be staying here until maybe midnight and go home after finishing. I have a lot of studying to do. Even if I already finished half of my tests, I can't just chill. It's not over until it's over.

"Still at the library?" Neo asked over the phone.

I pouted to express the tiredness I have been feeling. It could have been nice if Neo was really here. He's like a mental coach for both Alexa and I. He checks on our state and makes sure that we aren't going to breakdown.

"I'll be staying until twelve or something. Don't worry about me too much." I reminded him.

"Okay, I won't. Just call me if you need someone to drive you home." he offered and I smiled even if he can't see me.

"I know. I'll hang up now, Neo. I still need to finish my quota for the day." I said and ended the call.

Before going back inside the library, my eyes caught something. A strange man was standing a few meters away and was just staring at me. He was so pale that I can see him so clearly even in the dark. My brows creased with the sight of him and when our eyes met, he suddenly smirked which brought chills to my spine.

"Weird people are slowly spreading throughout the world." I mumbled to myself before ignoring him and entering the library again.

I studied for a bit more before finally deciding to go home already. The clock is close to striking to twelve and I think I studied enough already. I have an afternoon class tomorrow so I still need to sleep for a bit.

I brought the books I got back to their respective shelves before going out. I was blinking endlessly because of sleepiness while I walked out of the building. When I finally arrived outside, the same strange man brought my sense back. I couldn't helo but be surprised with his presence.

He was still here?

"Do you need something, Sir?" I asked because he was really staring too much that it made me uncomfortable a little bit.

I was certain that he could hear me but he wasn't answering. I, too, returned his stare and observed the guy.

He looked like an emo with his all black outfit. From his footwear 'till his necklace, they were all black. He could easily blend into the night and be invisible to the eyes. His skin was so pale too that someone might mistake him to be sick or something.

"Sir? If you don't have anything to say, would you mind if I go already? I still have classes tomorrow, so yeah." I pointed out but I only got silence as a reply.

"Here." the stranger's deep menacing voice said as he extended his hands to me.

"Pardon? What do you want me to do, Sir?" I asked as I didn't know what he wanted.

He only said the word 'here' so I didn't have any idea as to what he wanted. I stared at his extended hand for so long before approaching it. I was about to accept anything he was giving me not until I heard someone calling.

"Miss Aronson?" Darius's voice echoed for a bit in the area.

"Darius?" I asked, a bit flustered.

What was he doing here? This late at night?

"What were you doing here, Miss Aronson?" he asked with his deep voice.

"Me? I was talking with some---" I trailed off when I suddenly didn't see the guy.

I looked from left to right. Even at the back and in the front. Hoping to see the strange guy. Or at least see his pale skin again.

"He was here a moment ago." I said and I worriedly looked around.

How can someone disappear so fast? Even if he walked away, I should at least see him not far from here.

"Don't stay out during night too much, Miss Aronson. And if you can do it, please refrain from entertaining strangers." he went serious mode again which made me nodded in agreement.

"I don't usually talk with strangers, Darius. I was even about to go home but he kept on staring so I thought he needed something from me." I reasoned out.

Without any word, Darius held my wrist and started pulling me. I looked in front and he was heading to the nearby parking lot. We arrived to his car and he told me to enter.

"I'll drive you home." he stated and started the car without waiting for my response.

I really didn't remember how I went home but the next day, I just woke up with a prepared breakfast on the table for me. It was the usual toast, bacon, and egg. What made me confused was that the food was still hot when I found it. How come?

I walked to the living room when I suddenly heard a sound coming from the television. Why is the television on early in the morning?

When I arrived at the living room, my heart almost dropped when I saw Darius sitting on the sofa and sipping coffee from one of my cups. He looked so chill as if he was drinking coffee on a normal morning inside his house. How can he be so comfortable in a house which he visited for the first time?

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he gave me a smile.

"Good morning too, Miss Aronson. Your coffee brand is so delicious. Where did you bought them?" he didn't even answered my question.

"I was asking you what you were doing here, Darius. I thought you went home last night?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I couldn't. There's a curfew in my town, Miss Aronson. I couldn't go home yesterday." he stated and let out a chuckle while watching television.

Curfew? I didn't know there was a curfew in his town. If there was really one, what was he doing out during midnight?

As I was going back to the dining room to eat the breakfast prepared by Darius, a sudden doorbell shook my whole existence. My eyes grew bigger and I tensed up. Darius and I looked at each other as if telling each other that we were in trouble.

I'll be doomed if someone sees Darius here in my house early in the morning.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now