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"Ah!" I shouted as soon as I woke up in the morning.

I bumped my head into something hard that I feel like my forehead is gone already. I slowly opened my eyes and my eyebrows met each other instantly. The room I was in looked so unfamiliar.

Am I not in my house? Where the hell am I?

"Neo? Are you there?" I asked carefully to see if I was somewhere with my friends.

When nobody answered my calls, I removed the thick comforter and sighed in relief as I saw myself fully dressed. If I wasn't dragged away by my friends or any stranger, then where am I? Don't tell me----!

"Rover didn't kidnapped me, did he?" I asked to myself.

As I kept on thinking deeper, I started panicking. What if Rover really did took me from the club? What will I do? Neo will be enraged if he finds out I spent the night somewhere other than my house.

This room I was in looked so grim. The black and gray walls plus the whole interior designs screams a manly vibe. This is certainly owned by a guy. There's no way that this belongs to a girl. I'll drink saltwater if this turns out to be owned by a girl.

I stood up and collected all of my things once I regained my right mind. After collecting them all, I carefully left the room and went downstairs. As I descend, the whole structure of the house was forming into my head. It looks like a mansion. The humongous house is for sure a mansion.

I bit my lip as I tiptoed out of the house carefully. It was an advantage that the house was not bright. The lights weren't on and it is engulfed in a gloomy darkness. The only light was coming from the sun outside which doesn't make much difference.

As I come closer and closer to the big door, I couldn't help but rejoice. When I finally stepped out of the house, I was able to breathe. That was a whole lot different of suspense. I almost felt like my heart would drop in a second. I looked back to the house and take one last peak.

"It's so big! Didn't know that there is a place like this in town." I mumbled to myself before sprinting away from the place.

The place was unfamiliar to me but thankfully, an old man was nearby and he helped me to grab a taxi to my house. I was super thankful that my class today was scheduled in the afternoon. I still have time to prepare myself. For sure Neo will bombard me with questions which I should be prepared for. I can't risk him knowing what I did. He'll go haywire if he hears what happened.

I was fast like a lightning bolt as I take a shower, cook my brunch, and prepare myself for school. It was on a different level of fast. Beating the Flash won't be an overstatement.

"Hi, I'd like to check on my schedule for next month." I asked the manager on the fast food chain I work at.

I'm currently working a part time job as a cashier in a local food chain for my miscellaneous budget. The university expenses were already settled but I was still hoping on having more cash so I grabbed the opportunity to work part time.

"You'll be ending your contract by next month, Sydney. Have you forgotten? Next next week will be your last day at work." the manager informed and I suddenly remembered that she was right.

"Oh, right." I mumbled mindlessly as I started calculating and budgeting.

"If you don't have anything more to say, I'll end this call now. We're busy as a bee as always." she said and urgently ended the call before I can even say goodbye.

"Bummer. I wanted to extend the contract. Psh." I muttered as I picked up my bag and left home.

It was already eleven in the morning amd I need some studying at the cafe for our exam today. I can't bomb it. As a scholar of the university I needed to maintain a specific grade. Which was as easy as a pie but I was aiming to graduate with flying colors. Gotta study if I want to really have one.

"Sydney? One espresso for Sydney!" the girl at the counter said and I stood up to claim my order.

This cafe is my favorite one. Aside from it's close to the university, their products are budget friendly and their cafe is student friendly. It's the perfect spot to study for your exams.

"Hey, Sydney. I knew you were here." Alexa suddenly showed up to which I was surprised.

"H-hey...Alexa. You're here early." I awkwardly stated as I sipped on my espresso.

"Early? Honey, have you forgotten? I have a class on nine o'clock every Monday." she said and I nodded.

"Sorry, I had a lot in my mind. I have an exam this afternoon." I replied and Alexa looked at me with pity.

"Aww, our poor smart Sydney. Don't be pressured. You'll surely ace it." she said and I smiled at her.

I gave Alexa a hard stare and tried to read her expression. Basing from her actions and her words, she surely doesn't know that I didn't went home with them last night. She has no idea that I was somewhere sleeping in a mansion of an unknown man. I can't even properly remember what happened last night.

I'm totally screwed once I see Neo.

"So, Neo hasn't called you yet did he?" she asked which made me flinch a little.

"O-oh, y-yes. He hasn't c-called me yet." I said nervously and she nodded right away.

"Why are you stuttering Sydney? You're also so jumpy today. Relax will you?" she suggested and tapped my shoulders like how she always does.

"Are you leaving?" I asked as she picked her bag up.

"Yeah, it's Danny again. Curse that grade conscious girl. She always wants me to join the data collecting."

"She's just probably looking out for you." I said and she nodded before bidding farewell.

When she left, I also got ready to leave for my class. I don't want to tbe late for my class. We have an exam too and if you're late, you'll have a minus on your examination score.

"Pass these papers to the back. You have one hour and thirty minutes to finish this exam." our professor announced as we wait for the arrival of the papers.

"Time, starts now." he said and pushed the button on the stopwatch he always had.

Surprisingly, it didn't take long before we finished the grueling exam. I stretched my arms as long as I can. That exam made my body numb. While I was yawning, Robert suddenly approached me. He's one of my block mates.

"Sydney, a guy is looking for you outside." he said and my brows creased in confusion.

A guy? Surely, it isn't Neo. If it was, Robert would have said so. I stood up with hesitation and went out of the room. As I stepped out of the room, my eyes saw the guy Robert was pertaining to.

As my eyes saw a drop dead gorgeous guy leaning on an expensive looking car and staring at me, my jaw dropped literally.

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now