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"Darius? Are you there?" I asked as I slowly entered his mansion.

It was still the same dark and creepy mansion from the outside. It never changed from the first time I saw it. I wonder if Darius is inside?

I have been looking for him for hours but I still couldn't find him. It's been almost a week since the last time I saw him.

It was my fault anyway. I was the one who told him to go away and leave me alone.

"Darius?" I called when I saw a silhouette by the kitchen of his mansion.

I walked towards it with eager and excitement. It must be Darius. He must be waiting for me too. I walked to the kitchen quickly and arrived in no time.

"Are you there? Please talk to me. I really want to see you." I said, even begged but none came out to greet me.

Did he really leave me now? For good? Forever?

Just as I was about to go back and leave the mansion, I saw Darius emerged from the darkness. A smile crept onto my lips and I looked at him.

"You didn't leave me for good. That's a relief." I stated and I calmed down a little.

I waited for him to talk and call me by my name again but I received none. He did not respond to my greeting. Was he upset with me?

"Darius? Why aren't you talking? Are you---" I was cut off when Darius suddenly slammed me to the nearest wall.

I screamed out of pain. What is he doing? The slam was so strong that I felt my body crumbling. It was very painful that I think I have broken my back from it.

I looked up and was shocked to see his face. He's not Darius right now. He's... he's different. His eyes.

They were red in color.

"Darius? Can you hear me?" I asked calmly because panicking won't help during these times.

When he did not respond, I tried touching his face with the hope of calming him down too. He seemed so aggressive and mad right now. He doesn't look like the Darius I know.

Before I can even touch his face, his hand flicked my hand away and he came for my neck.

"Ah!" I screamed from the top of my lungs and realized that it was all just a dream.

A dream.

I tried to catch my breath and decided to sit up straight with the hopes of making it all better for my lungs.

That dream almost made me faint. I am even breathing harder right now due to the adrenaline. That made me anxious and nervous.

It's probably the reason why I couldn't fully trust Darius. There is still this fear that they would turn out to be those kind of vampires from my nightmares. Those blood hungry vampires that kill human beings to satisfy their hunger. It's that fear that is keeping me from lowering my pride and understanding Darius. And that is the fear that I want to overcome.

"I should probably get some water. My mouth is dry." I mumbled to myself and stood up.

I turned on my phone to look at the time. It was just forty minutes past midnight. I would just use my phone as flashlight. I don't want to turn on all the lights during midnight.

As I was walking down the stairs, I suddenly had goosebumps. My body hair all stood up out of nowhere. What is wrong with these hair? Maybe it was because of the cold night. It was midnight and it was just plain cold during these time.

I successfully reached the first floor and the goosebumps got stronger. My nape was even tingling. Does it mean? I swiftly turned my head around but saw no one. There's no way.

No. It can't be.

Did he follow me to the house? Is that strange guy here again? He was the one who made me shiver in fear. He's the only one I can think of that can send fear into my system right now.

"Holy shit." I cursed under my breathe and with shaking hands, I discreetly dialled the emergency number on my phone.

I pretended that I haven't noticed him. I hope he does buy it and give me more time to escape. Or if not escape, at least let the person on the other end of the phone call know that I am in danger.

"Please answer..." I whispered to myself as I see the call still hadn't been answered.

I went on and headed to the kitchen. I'm just going to do what I went here for. Out of fear, I opened the kitchen lights. It was so bright that I had a hard time adjusting to the brightness. But the light gave me a little courage. At least now, I can see the premises.

"Oh, hey babe!" I acted when he answered his phone.

"Miss Aronson? You must have called the wrong number. This is Darius." Darius answered and I remained smiling.

"It's nothing. I just miss you. Are you busy?" I continued the conversation.

I really need Darius to come here. He's the only one I can think of helping me. Neo is out of the choices. He can't know that I had encountered a stalker one night. He'll be infuriated to know that I had kept it a secret.

Rover is also not in the choices. First of all, I do not have his number. Even if he can come here to help, I don't have anything to call him with. He's the one who have my number. And I haven't saved his number yet when he called back when he helped me.

"I'm not busy, Miss Aronson. Why are you calling?" Darius must have a hint already because he was responding to my questions without hesitation.

"I just really want to hear your voice. You haven't visited me lately. You must have been so busy."

I tried to act like an upset girlfriend whose boyfriend is too busy to visit. I just need this roleplay to finish successfully so that Darius will be here to help.

"Do you need help, Miss Aronson?" Darius carefully asked and I gulped.

"Yes. Yes, babe." I answered and was wishing in my mind for him to come to me.

"I'm currently driving, Miss Aronson. Please don't hang up." he reminded me and I sighed.

Darius is coming. Thank goodness.

"Babe, are the guys coming to your house? You haven't told me about that one yet." I brought up and went to the kitchen door.

"Guys? To the house? Is a guy at your house, Miss Aronson?" I was surprised at Darius's quick comprehension.

He understood what I wanted to say right away. What can I expect from a smart guy who lived for centuries now?

"Yes, babe. Really? That's great to know. Can't wait to see you soon." I said and sat on the chair.

Moving around might confuse the guy and make him give up eventually. I hope so.

"I'm just a few blocks, Miss Aronson. Please don't hang up."

"I won't, babe. I really won't."

Whirling Storms: DariusWhere stories live. Discover now