26 - Hard Times, High Times (Modern) [part 1]

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Platonic! Hamilsquad+Burr.

Thanks Tjanimates for the request! (And I'm sorry.
When I do angst, I do angst)

-Child Abuse
-PTSD attack. Episode?

(Burr needs more love.)


Aaron awoke from a nightmare, sobbing and shaking. He had dreamed about him again, but this time it was worse.

Aaron squeezed his eyes shut, curling into himself, clutching a pillow. He buried his head in said pillow and cried, memories flashing through his mind like a broken record.

After a few seconds, Aaron began to whimper as the memories flooded his brain, stronger than before. He felt his breathing speed up and new he was on the verge of a panic attack.

He pried his eyes open and scanned the room, terrified that he would appear from a dark corner. His gaze landed on his nightstand, where his phone lay. He grabbed it and turned it on.

2:58 am

Aaron bit back a sob. No one he knew would be awake at this hour. He was alone.

The walls seemed to press in on him. He felt like he was suffocating- he was alone and no one could help him.

Suddenly, a name flashed through his mind, and a glimmer if hope sparked within him.

He quickly dialed his number and pressed the phone to his ear as the panic attack quickly took over.

Suddenly, he was 9 again.

The boys' hand gripped the bedpost, his knuckles white. The little boy had a rag shoved between his teeth to keep him quiet as he cried, the belt slicing his back.

Uncle hated it when he cried.

After a particularly painful whack, the boy let out a small whimper. It earned him a smack and a few unkind words.

The belt cane down harder than before.

Suddenly, Uncle ordered him onto the bed. The boy knew what was going to happen. He also knew that fighting back was fruitless.

"Aaron!" Uncle called, his fierce tone turning into worry.

"AARON!!" He shouted.

Aaron whimpered. He didn't like it when Uncle shouted.

"Aaron!" Aaron opened his eyes, tears cascading down his face.

"A-alex..?" He whispered, his voice hoarse.

"Yes, Aaron, it's me. Are you okay? What's happened?" Alex's voice seemed so far away on the phone.

"C-can you come o-over? Ple- please?" Aaron struggled to get it out, a second wave of memories over taking him.

And then he was 4.

That was when the hitting started.

(first person, oooh)

I was sitting in my bed, putting the finishing touches on an essay assigned by Mr. Washington.

A few minutes later when I finally finished, I looked over at my alarm clock. It was 2:58 am.


I thought it was, like, 5 pm or something.

I shut my computer down and played back, closing my eyes. But then my phone rang.

'Who would call me at 3 am?' I thought.

I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

No one responded, but I could hear labored breathing. And something that sounded like muffled crying.

Then, I recognized the number.

It was Aaron Burr, a friend of mine. We weren't very close, but he was a cool dude. Very chill.

"Aaron?" I asked. Something that sounded like a whimper. Now, I was really getting worried.

"AARON?" I asked, practically yelling.

"Aaron!" I shouted. Gosh, I hope he's okay.

"A-alex..?" He asked, his voice hoarse. He sounded scared.

"Yes, Aaron, it's me. Are you okay? What's happened?" I asked in one breath.

"C-can you come o-over? Ple- please?" Aaron whispered. It sounded as if he was trying to force the words out.

"Yeah. Yeah I can. Just hang on." I slowed my speech, shoving my shoes on.

"Aaron?" I asked again. I could hear a thump, and small, muffled cries of pain. I realized that Aaron had dropped the phone.

And he was in pain.

I have never run faster in my life.


The angst has cured my writers block 😣😖

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