15- Blow Us All Away (Historical)

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Angst (Lots of itttttt-)

I apologize in advance.

"I'm looking for a Mister George Eaker. You ladies happy to know where he may be?" I asked with a sly smile, winking at the girls just in front of me.

They giggled and blushed, hiding behind their fans before answering. "I think he went down broadway, going to see a show!"

"Ah. Thanks ladies." I turned to leave but quickly turned back around. "What name should I use to address such beautiful ladies?"

"A-Abigal, s-sir!" Abigail squeaked out.

"Ah. And you?"

"Lindsey!" Lindsey chirped, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Well, Abigail, Lindsey, you gals look good in your frocks. How bout when I get back we all strip down to our socks~" I lenny-faced at them.

They screamed and blushed even redder at my statement. I turned. "Thanks for your help~" I called, flashing them a smile as I walked away.

"The ladies say my brains's not where the resemblance stops"

"Yo! Eaker!" I shouted, not caring that I was disrupting the show.

Eaker angrily glared at me from his seat. "Shhhh!"

"Hey!" I yelled louder. Eaker turned to me again.

"Shut it- I'm trying to watch a show!"

"You shoulda watches your mouth when you talked about my father though!" I replied, scoffing.

"Ha! You're fathers a scoundrel!" Eaker laughed.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "I'm a Hamilton with pride! You talk about my father, I cannot let it slide."

Eaker's eyes narrowed. "And so it seems are you."

"Really?!?" I growled.

"Yes. I don't fool around like your little schoolboy friends!" Eaker angrily stated.

"Well then, I'll see you on the dueling grounds." I offered a sly smile. "Unless, that it, you'd rather go now."

Eaker rolled his eyes. "I know where to find you. Frick off now- I'm watching my show now!" He spat, turning away.

I grinned with smug satisfaction and walked out of the building.

"Pops, if you had only heard the shit he said about you!" I said, storming into my father's office. "I doubt you would have let it slide and I was not about to!"

"Woah! Slow down!" Father said, turning to face me. "What happened?"

"I came to ask you for advice! This is my very first duel.." Father took a step back in shock. "They don't exactly cover this subject in boarding school."

Father regained his composure and asked me some questions. "Did your friends attempt to negotiate a peace?"

"He refused to apologize," I answered honestly. "We had to let the peace talks cease."

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