9- 1799 [Part 2] (Historical)

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Two days.

Two days since Washington passed.

Eliza sighed, a lone tear falling down her face. She and the general weren't very close, but he and Alexander were, and Alexander had disappeared.

It was really just a repeat of the days after Laurens' death.

Alexander locked himself in his office, coming out soley for food, his hair disheveled, his eyes red and puffy, and his face stained with tears.

Philip, Angelica, and Alexander Jr knew what was happening. James, John, and William only knew that "daddy was sad". Eliza Jr would cry when Daddy cried.


Alexander hung his head in grief, walking alone to the store. The streets were silent, and so was he.

This was the first time he had come out since it happened.

He opened the door and walked in, ignoring the looks flashed his way.

Alexander grabbed what he needed and approached the front desk, finally looking up.

Hanging on the wall was a life-sized portrait of George Washington. Alexander clamped his hand over his mouth as he started sobbing again.

The worker came over and hugged him, taking the small loaf of bread and cream from his shaking hands.

"Je-je suis désolé!" He whispered in French, pulling ten dollars from his pocket and quickly paying, rushing out the door without looking at the portrait.

Three days of crying.

Three days of misery.

Three days.... Without his dad.

And it hurt.


Alexander clasped Eliza's hand in his, bowing his head in silence. They had left Alex in charge of the three younger ones, bring Philip and Angie with them to......

The funeral.

The coffin slowly passed, and Alexander raised his head. Memories of him and Washington filled his mind.

He stood in silence, watching as the white coffin was placed next to the hole, the United States' flag gently draped over it.

The pastor spoke a few words, the motioned for others to do the same.

Alexander wasn't listening, until Eliza nudged him.

"Go. He was important to you, share what you want." Eliza whispered. Alexander nodded.

He stepped up in front of the coffin and raised his voice.

"George Washington. Leader of the Continental army. First president.

"There's no doubt he was an important man. But.... He ment more to me than I ever admitted.

"When I was a new soilder in the army, he treated me with kindness. After a while, he promoted me. Because he saw that spark I couldn't see. He and I... We had a connection.

"He called me 'son'. I would always fire back. I didn't like that name. My biological father left when I was ten, and I missed him. But I refused to let Washington fill that hole James left in me.

"But when I looked back, I see that I saw him as a father. I loved him as a father. I looked up to his as a father.

"I never told him that. And now...." Alexander swallowed, holding back tears. "I would die to hear him call me 'son'...."

"Just one more time..."

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