30- Idk, but maybe story? [part 2]

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I still have no idea what I'm doing.

The next few days were absolute heck for Alex.

He people, friends, who he had lost contact with after college, were treating him like he was some sort of God, just appearing in his room after a month of appearently being missing.

And Alex was slowly loosing his mind.

He looked in the mirror the first day, and found a 17 year old Alexander Hamilton staring back at him.

He went to a few classes, and everyone was acting strange around him. Like tbe slightest gust of wind would make him disappear again.


"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, GOSH DANG IT, ALEX, WAKE UP!" Alex shouted, gripping the sides of the sink as he shouted at the mirror.

Five days ago, Alex had been nearing his 47th birthday.

A year ago, his wife had been killed.
Three years ago, his adoptive father had died.
20 years ago, John Laurens died.

John's funeral had been the last time he had really talked to his friends.

Then, slowly, he began to loose contact.

First, it was Hercules Mulligan. He moved back to Ireland, and they just.. didn't talk. Then it was Aaron Burr, along with James Madison. Then it was Lafayette.

Lafayette hurt the most.

The two brothers were aften inseparable, but after Alex's writing career started up and Laf's fashion design businesses flared, and they lost contact.

He only knew his big brother had moved to France with his girlfriend through Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson.

That wasn't a name he had heard in a long time. He remembered they dated for about a year in highschool, before Alex settled down with Eliza after a bad breakup.

That was what mainly set up their rivalry all throughout college. Ha, it was very cliché, but what could Alex do?

All he could do was find his way back to the strange world he knew- also known as 2047.


Ugh idk what I'm doing so I'm gonna stop because I have no plotline for this

Basically it's a word vomit and I really don't care anymore so yeah.

Hope you liked it!

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