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Chapter 1: Escape

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Chapter 1: Escape

Six months later...

It was quiet, too quiet. You were sitting down listening to the waves crashing. You didn't know whether it was the right choice when Hoseok decided that you needed a fresh start. They all did.

You don't know what happened. You don't know if he was alive.

Hoseok had decided to stay with you because he felt he needed to protect you. He decided to bring you to Bali. He had heard from someone that the place was a paradise and closer if you ever wanted to return.

You didn't want to, but the lingering mystery of the past was waiting to be untangled. Even with the information you got, you were still blind, as he was still playing with your mind. It reeks of knowing that someone was always watching your every move. The calming waves of the beach didn't help since you were still screaming in your sleep.

You'll need to thank the heavens Hoseok hasn't given up on you, as he was also recovering from the sudden shock. He had no reason to go back, Taehyung was dead, but you did.

A part of you was still back there in the house that had to drag your curious mind into insanity.

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