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Chapter 6: Listen

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Chapter 6: Listen

Now you had understood why Jimin had chosen France out of all the places. It had different vibes from what had Bali and Korea back then. Sure, both sites were beautiful, and of course, it holds some memories towards you, but France had that sense of security.

Was it because it was somehow further away from the root of the problem you are dealing with?

"Go sit there for a moment. It feels like you're going to pass out," Taehyung had ushered you to sit in one of the cafés there. The streets of Paris were beautiful, and many people were walking down the main roads. Cafés were opened, and a lot of people were. The whole place is gorgeous, and even you wouldn't mind living here.

Currently, Taehyung was trying to sober you over your jetlag. The time was 180 degrees different from Bali and Korea, so you weren't too familiar with the time. But it seems like Taehyung was alright. The whole flight was him sleeping in. It was like he knew we would land in the morning while you were supposed to sleep.

"Anne, go sit down. I'm not joking," Taehyung calls your name, and you nod down. He sat you down before he sat down. The waiter then asked what we wanted, and Taehyung answered fluently in France.

"I didn't know you speak French," you asked him, and he nodded, "I had picked up a few skills here and there. I guess speaking French is one of them."

You nod your head as you keep silent. Staring at the whole street, you kept quiet because you were tired. You put your head on the table, and Taehyung couldn't help to chuckle.

"You're regretting yet again, aren't you?" Taehyung slowly brush your hair that was getting in your face, "you still talk with your action. Maybe this is why Jungkook is interested in you, even Seokjin, and maybe I'm one of them."

You look up to see Taehyung staring at you, "Stop joking around, Tae. I might throw my shoes at you."

He laughs, "and still full of threats and no action, you're making me feel things, gosh I miss you."

"Shut it... Now, what is your plan? Why are you sitting here," you asked Taehyung, "Don't make me regret things here, I'm in a city without Hoseok, and I can't see clearly."

"Again... I told you about Hoseok. Why are you still doubting over me?" He sighs, "Right after lunch, we'll drive around first. You'll never know who could be following you, and besides, you need to look at least decent, or Jimin might pass out looking at you."

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