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Chapter 27: Lonely Boys Pt

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Chapter 27: Lonely Boys Pt. 3

"You bastard!" Jungkook was giddy and started to run away from Yoongi, who was ready to tackle in. Heavy footsteps decorated the halls, and the sudden sound of shouts and curses awakened every twist and turn of the house.

"I haven't had this fun in a while!" Jungkook screams in delight.

"Yeah, well, you better remember it for the last time before I finish you," Yoongi grumbles. That is until Yoongi stops at a dead turn. His body collides with the walls he begins to slump. He took a moment to take a deep breath before collecting himself.

He was getting nowhere and on a wild goose chase with a man-baby in a haunted house. Yoongi had never thought he would be in this kind of situation. That is until he had cleared his mind in peace before looking at the halls' intersection.

He takes a huge breath before closing his eyes, believing his two feet to walk the familiar yet unfamiliar halls. No matter what happened, his shoes would lead him to the place he had hoped for.

And, of course, he was not wrong. Leading him to a narrower hall with a single door. This is the place. He opened the door and was greeted with a large video screen. A very familiar person was on the screen the projector had projected. The site looks run down but was set perfectly as if it was waiting for someone to see.

"That's not possible. Please stop." Yoongi crouched down into a tiny ball, losing balance to his weight. He slumps down as the taunting voice of his nightmares is back. The voice he had desperately pleaded to let go of was taunting him again.

He wanted to hold on so bad, to not forget about her. But he wanted her to disappear too, leaving him to nothing.

Instantly he dropped to the ground and began to hyperventilate. He hasn't had any panic attacks since forever. It started when he was bullied, but after she stayed by his side. Knowing all his secrets, it begins to subside.

"It's me."

But hearing her voice, it had triggered something inside him. He didn't like how it felt. Something that had long been forgotten couldn't be forever gone.

"Yoongi..." The raging voice could be heard, "Please do what he had said... please...."

"Yoonji?" Yoongi's eyes begin to water. He hated how he had become so weak. The anger inside him was consuming every part of him. He wanted revenge, something he had longed for.

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