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Past log 5

That night, the look on his face was enough to bring chaos. I didn't know what happened or who were the people who had helped me get through.

No, I didn't need to know.

Any enemy of yours is now my ally.

You began to change. You were now someone whom I had never seen before. Tell me, who are you? Is this the real you that I have never met before?

Was I blind to see the truth?

Why were you changing to the person who I had not known before? The warning was clear from the beginning, but why was I persistent in ignoring them for you? Was it because you had promised me the future I had longed for?

To be free?

But, every time I tried to move, you were always in the way. I didn't understand why weren't you letting me go? I used to think that it was because you would lay the path in front of me so that I would not fall and be trapped again.

I trusted you

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