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"I couldn't ignore it any longer." That is what he had thought that night when he had left them. 

The situation was burdening his mind and guilt had consumed him. Trying to rationalize the feeling proved fruitless as it persisted.

"I knew I had to confront my emotions and make things right, but it wouldn't be easy. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the only way to set things straight," He said to himself that night. 

As he stood there watching the flames grow bigger and bigger, he could feel his own heart rate quickening with each passing moment. The intense heat and thick smoke made it difficult to breathe and knew that he needed to move quickly. He frantically gathered belongings and made a dash for the nearest exit, his mind racing with thoughts of what might happen if he didn't make it. Despite the chaos and confusion, he managed to escape just in time and called for help. Looking back on that terrifying experience, he is filled with a deep sense of gratitude for being able to make it out alive.

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