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Chapter 8: My old friend

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Chapter 8: My old friend


"Hyung! Namjoon Hyung!" a 13-year-old Jungkook came running into Namjoon's room. Jimin look was sitting down in a chair as Namjoon was putting on a Band-Aid on Jimin's leg.

He didn't know that he was so clumsy. While Jimin was reading a book in the garden, someone accidentally put strings in his way, and unlucky, he fell. Boy, he was lucky. After he looked up from his book, Jimin was stunned to see broken pieces of glass scattered around the premises.

So he went to Namjoon, telling him to be careful, Namjoon who had looked at Jimin was also surprised to see the latter bruise in parts of his body. He had feared Jimin had a fight, but when Jimin had explained he fell down in the backyard, he was relieved. Jimin explained that there were glasses scattered around where he fell, and Jimin could remember how Namjoon's eyebrow had twitched before the door behind him opened.

Jimin looked back to see Jungkook, he is gleaming happy to see the younger boy, but then Jimin couldn't help to cower back when for the first time in his life. Jungkook was looking at him like Jimin was why his family was killed, hatred could be seen in the latter's eyes, and it scared Jimin.

"Jungkook, what's the matter?" Namjoon asked the boy, who was giving an oddly dead glare to the person Namjoon was treating.

"I don't like Jimin, don't ever look at Jimin, or I'll blind you," Namjoon, who didn't think the boy had any threat, could only chuckle at the simple threat he was used to hearing.

"Now Jungkook, that's not nice. Hyung had raised you better," Namjoon's dimpled smile was surely enough to make Jungkook obey the elder. Still, today something twitched inside the youngest since he had never given Namjoon a glare like that.

"Namjoon hyung, do you know any number between 1 and 0?" Jungkook suddenly asked, and Namjoon frowned.

"I don't think there's anything between 1 and 0 if you count fractions," Namjoon answered. Jungkook then looks at his hyung and smile.

"Exactly, there's nothing between it." Jungkook then looks at a cautious Jimin.


"Then what does it have to do with me?" Back to the present, Jimin was out of everything as a piece of his memories began to surface back. You were sitting in his bed as the antidote was injected into you.

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