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Chapter 15: life goes on

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Chapter 15: life goes on

It was cold, and everything was uncomfortable. You've been in a sticky situation, and of course, they were unpleasant, but this tops it all.

You were trying to grasp the situation you are in. Silence is the first thing you hear. It is weird because you were so used to hearing about the busy streets of Seoul. You live in the city, and hearing horns and rustling people on their way to work is something you are used to.

Confusion takes over your face as the blinding lights expose your vision, expecting that it was one of those days when Seoul was quiet. You were hoping you would wake up in your room as you started your day. But confusion takes over when you see you are not in your bed.

Like the first time you woke up in the old Victorian size room, you were woken up in a concrete room. You didn't know where you were, and the aching pain behind your back indicated whoever brought you here had no manner.

You sat down and realised you were alone. No one was in the room with you. Everything was quiet. You begin to sit in the bed, and as your feet touch the cold room, you slowly start walking to the door. Your hands made their way to the bars, separating your vision from the outer world.

That is, until a sudden flicker could be heard. As you were about to turn back, a voice called out.

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