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Chapter 29: Thank you's pt

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Chapter 29: Thank you's pt.2

"So, what is the plan?" you asked the three men inside the room. Yoongi had suddenly graced your time with his presence, Seokjin was feeling a bit better than before, and Taehyung had stayed quiet.

"The plan? What do you think you are planning on doing after this?" Yoongi asked, "The plan was simple, get you and your boyfriend out and leave."

"So, that's it?" you asked, "The end of the story? What about Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook? Hoseok is dead, and it's because of that monster. He's still roaming free, Yoongi. We can't escape. You saw how I had tried with Hoseok to lead him to his death bed?"

"No one had forced the guy inside the room. Hoseok had led his own way." Taehyung said, "But I do agree with Anne. We can't stop here. We can't save everything, but at least we need a way to make amends with Jungkook."

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know."

"Right... I even doubt that Jimin is still as in love as he is –"Yoongi grits his teeth –"That bastard had a thing for Jungkook for so long, I wasn't surprised to see his ass."

You rubbed your temple in frustration, "He told me he didn't want to be a part of this. Why did he decide to come in the end."

Yoongi chuckles, "He just said he didn't want to be a part of this, of your side. He was always on Jungkook's side." Realising what yoongi had meant, you felt bitter. Why didn't you think of it sooner, even after Jimin had always hinted Jungkook was somehow special for him.

"Do you think Jimin would betray us?" You asked quietly.

"Betray? He was never on our side, love," Seokjin looks at you sadly, "I had hoped Hoseok was smart. Bringing you to Jimin was just like falling into another trap."

"He wouldn't have helped with my eyes," You argue back," He was the one who had helped. He was –"

"He was also the reason why you can't remember what had happened before. He was the one who had poisoned the tea, and of course, helping with your eyes was just an easy pass for him to have pity. If Jungkook had known you were hurt, he would take Jimin's life as an exchange gift." Yoongi says, "Jimin was cunning, but sympathy made him vulnerable."

"Then let's forget about Jimin. How can we defeat Jungkook?"

"Is there even a way to break through the kid's head?" Yoongi asked, "He is as crazy as he can get. He's far too gone."

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