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Chapter 12: Anyone

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Chapter 12: Anyone

He was different than before; his baby features back then were now replaced with a sinister façade. He was beginning to become what you envision. The person you had so hard to avoid was now standing before you. His hands were littered with tattoos, and his jet black hair was now bright mint. He was different from the last time you saw him. He used to wear long sleeves, but now he was alright with minimal clothing.

He was observing you, and you couldn't help to stand still. You were seeing him like this felt surreal. But someone eases your mind. Why? Was it because now you know the threat was someone who was related to you somehow?

How could you? How could you ever forget you were ever in his world?

Your head was calm, and no memories of it ever resurfaced. If he was somehow important to you, why did you forget? He was nobody to you. If somehow you didn't wake up in the house that day, would you ever cross paths with any of them? Especially when you have no

He was the embodiment of a devil in human skin. How could you marry yourself to the devil himself?

"Why so quiet? Is that the way to treat your husband?" Jungkook chuckled, "After leaving him... Again!" He screams, his eyes flaring in madness.

"God, I should have tied you to bed that day so that you wouldn't leave. I shouldn't leave you alone, even at the house! I thought you went back to see me, but I found you around Seokjin and now Taehyung!" He laughs before sauntering over to you. He held a kitchen knife in his other hand.

"I'll never marry someone like you!" you shouted, "How could someone marry a devil in human skin? After all that has happened, I'm glad I never remembered you."


"Look at you, throwing a tantrum. How could I ever look at you? Whoever you were, Jungkook, I bet he was nicer than now. The 'you' before had never crossed my mind, and of course, it wouldn't cross right now, not now, not ever."

He raised his eyebrows, and you could see the piercing in his eyebrows glimmering by the lights. His jaw clenched in annoyance at your sudden words, but you couldn't back down now. He was armed while you have nothing. The best possible outcome is if Taehyung knows you are gone and searching for you.

"You did. Even before I know you, you have known me, and you should think harder of who I am and why I'm like this."

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